You can count me in. I have read a lot of discussions of this issue from
community projects to contests involving regular users.
Regarding the licensing I don't know what you mean. If you are talking about
being able to say "we are official" or something like that, I believe I read
a post about it and it wasn't a big deal, I could look it up.

When you mean that users should create content on their own account do you
mean that the site should basically upload what users create? The last
discussion ended with us talking about what would be the incentive for
common users and some started talking about a contest and money which
obviously wasn't possible from our place. I'm sorry to bring up the subject
again, but If we came up with a better solution we could encourage users to
create their own videos.

Also I don't think we would have problems with translations, even if we
don't get voices we can use google subtitles which is a very easy function.

2010/9/14 Jo-Erlend Schinstad <>

> I've been having some discussions with the contact for the Norwegian
> LoCo, Rubén Romero -- huayra on IRC -- regarding syndication of
> videos. I bring this to your attention of two main reasons: 1) the
> problem might not be restricted to our LoCo and 2) we don't feel
> competent enough to decide which course of action is best suited to
> obtain our goals. I am hoping to find a canonical way of doing this,
> or if none exists, to create one. I also hope that this discussion
> will be a narrow one, with a clear focus on the task at hand, because
> I feel that a good solution might make it much easier for us to create
> content on a global scale. Would it, for instance, be possible to
> create a screencast of a new release that is translated to all
> languages and told by the best narrators we have to offer in each
> country? This would have the advantage of cross language
> contamination, which in and off itself would not only be of great
> marketing benefits, but also prove that we're able to do the things
> that only the great multinational corporations have been able to do
> until now. I obviously believe that it is possible, but I also believe
> that it is one of those things we have to do in order to prove that we
> have come of age. So the question is how.
> To me, the obvious choice is YouTube, not only because it's the most
> well known video sharing website, but also because of our ties -- on
> all levels -- to Google. I have seen channels on YouTube, but I don't
> have any experiences with creating one. I also think we should not let
> ourselves become blind sided on YouTube. There might be other choices.
> Therefore, I present a list of goals that I personally think is
> essential, in the hope that someone has A Correct Answer. If we cannot
> come up with one, then I feel it is a bug of similar magnitude to #1.
> * 1) We need leadership.
> * 2) Leadership should not depend on any single individual.
> * 3) Content should be created by any user on their own account, not a
> central one.
> * 4) Content that we use must be explicitly licensed in a free way.
> * 4) Editors and administrators should be separate roles, the
> administrators being those responsible for passwords, etc.
> * 5) Content suitable for i18n should be pushed upstream to a wider
> audience.
> What is the best solution? Have I missed something in my list of goals?
> Let the games begin.
> Jo-Erlend Schinstad
> --
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