Just to add to this discussion about application switching, I think it would
be quickest and most space-efficient method would be an interface similar to
Alt+Tab. You could use a gesture or have a dedicated button or scroll wheel
that, when activated, overlays all your apps and lets you switch (or launch)
to the app of your choice. You could use a similar method for switching
between tabs. That would eliminate both the top bar and the tab bar, leaving
you with only the toolbar at the bottom. You could also put the status
indicators and clock in that overlay.


On 7/20/07, Kenneth Wimer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Friday 20 July 2007 08:52:32 you wrote:
> Thanks for the pictures :)

Glas you like them :-)

> A few questions:
>  * Is "Settings" part so important that has to be always available?
> Is it about device settings or application settings?

This is one of the major questions. Should we have a global settings "app"
which all settings are stored for all apps or should we have some settings
tool available per app. Apple does it mainly with the global settings iirc
and it gets kinda annoying. The Pepper Pad seemed to do it better with the
important per-app settings available in the app itself.

>  * How one switches between an active application and applications view?
>  * How one swtiches between applications?

Another "great idea" which I realized in advance would be popular :p

Note also that there are no close or minimize buttons on the open apps.
idea behind is this:

The "home" button always has a way to get to the "apps" page where one can
pick an app, start it, restart/rechoose it. Note that in this version
are also no menus. Everything you see shows up fullscreen, although some
things in the status bar will be an almost fullscreen overlay (which one
could argue is just an associated pop-up and therefor really a menu).

Using a task switcher menu turns out to be just as many steps, and more
confusing that keeping things flat and simple. Again, this is an idea and
not really sure if it is possible to realize such functionality.

>  * Browser does not seem to have tabs, it would be very interesting to
> see how it's gonna look with tabs (tabs seem to be quite popular
> demand (https://bugs.maemo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1695) also UI Style
> Guide page suggest browser would have tabs).

Erm, I knew I forgot something. Naturally, I will be adding tabs :-)

> Probably applications and settings stuff was outlined elsewhere, in
> this case apologize for my ignorance and kindly ask to provide me with
> a link where I could read more about it...

No worries, you've noticed the major issues - here would be a good place
discuss them


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