* "Brandt, Todd E" 

| I would gladly make the change to the hildon-desktop code to pull in a
| statusbar.d directory, however I'm not sure the owner would agree to
| accept it and it may take a while to push upstream. I can take the AR to
| ping the maemo folks about it though.

If you could do that, that'd be very helpful.

| As for the sudoers issue, there are currently three "applications" that
| need to be granted root access to be run by ume: network-admin and
| time-admin from the gnome-system-tools package, and moblin-touchscreen
| which edits the xorg conf file. All three are executed by a call to
| g_spawn_async with gksu as the command and the argument as one of the
| aforementioned three apps.

Can we get the last to use input hotplug in Xorg 7.3 so we don't have
to edit xorg.conf?

| I'm just hesitant to create some sort of moblin-applets root settings
| daemon which will require intimate knowledge of packages we don't
| control (gnome-system-tools for instance).

Well, what we are talking about is just separating out the
already-existing infrastructure which edits those files into a daemon
and putting a dbus interface on top of that daemon.

Tollef Fog Heen
UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are

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