Title: AME

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Today's Topics:

   1. IRC meeting Thursday 2008-02-28 at 1700 UTC (David Mandala)
   2. Re: GNU gettext for hildon? (Lo?c Minier)
   3. Status report for 2008-02-21 -> 2008-02-27 (Lo?c Minier)
   4. Weekly status update for moblin-applets (0.41) (Brandt, Todd E)
   5. Status report for 21/02 to 27/02 (Adilson Oliveira)
   6. midbrowser status report for 02/21-02/27 (Wong, Carl)
   7. Moblin Kernel and Driver Status for WW09 (Du, Alek)


Message: 1
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 09:45:40 -0500
From: David Mandala <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: IRC meeting Thursday 2008-02-28 at 1700 UTC
To: ubuntu-mobile list <ubuntu-mobile@lists.ubuntu.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Standard Time notice..... Every Thursday at 17:00 UTC.


The minutes for the IRC meeting held Thursday 2008-02-21 at
1700UTC are up at:

We'll be having the next IRC meeting on #ubuntu-mobile, as usual, on
Thursday 2008-02-28 at 1700 UTC.

The new meeting page for this weeks meeting is at:
Please add any topics of conversation that need to be covered at:

Please make sure to post status reports to this list before 1400 UTC on
Thursday, and if you have agenda items, please add them to the page on
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded/Meeting/20080228 before the
meeting.  It will also greatly help if you tag your agenda items with
your name.

The meeting history page with links to prior meetings is at:
Thank you,


David Mandala <davidm at canonical dot com>
http://www.canonical.com/ Public Key id: 45B2D952
Murphy TX, 75094 +1.214.774.2569 O +1.972.693.4007 C


Message: 2
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 18:10:17 +0100
From: Lo?c Minier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: GNU gettext for hildon?
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],        mobile list
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1

On Mon, Feb 25, 2008, Kyle Nitzsche wrote:
> If I look in the module directories at 
> http://live.gnome.org/Hildon/TwoPointZero/ModuleOverview, I get:
>  * hildon-desktop has a po/ dir, but no en-GB.po file

 hildon-desktop sets GETTEXT_PACKAGE / calls textdomain() with
 "maemo-af-desktop"; the maemo-af-desktop module has a po/en_GB.po.

>  * hail has a po/ dir but no en_GB.po file.

 No idea about that one, it doesn't bind to any message domain and sets
 GETTEXT_PACKAGE to hail; it has a very small amount of strings though.

Lo?c Minier


Message: 3
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 20:48:31 +0100
From: Lo?c Minier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Status report for 2008-02-21 -> 2008-02-27
To: Ubuntu Mobile <ubuntu-mobile@lists.ubuntu.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1


 I am sick; I should have rested today and tomorrow but managed to work
 normally today; please don't expect me tomorrow, but I'll try to join
 if I feel better.

 * Attended FOSDEM, excellent as always; very motivating to see friends
   and to put faces on IRC nicks; attended some talks too, but the
   talking was really with other people around
 * Reviewing / sponsoring
 * Researched handling of arch specific strings in Rosetta: turns out
   the latest binary upload is the one which wins, so you should make
   sure that all arches generate the same templates (use the same patch
 * Some more work on pimlico; dates is now in sync between upstream,
   Debian, and Ubuntu; tasks is ready to be synced, but this requires a
   seed change, so I prefer waiting until tomorrow's image build
 * Some discussion on versionning of kernel uploads to the ppa (versus
   in hardy); we should probably pin the ppa higher than hardy for all
   practical purposes in the end
 * Looked for Menlow hardware
 * Started some quickstart documentation on gettext usage
 * Started research on langpacks, documented how much they would gain
   us (10 MB says Arne from the list we gave him; thanks Arne!), and
   what we would need to do (we would have to do a lot); this also
   includes documenting how to output langpacks after the various
   freezes which I already researched with misc people but need to
   summarize into executive steps

Lo?c Minier


Message: 4
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 17:53:01 -0800
From: "Brandt, Todd E" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Weekly status update for moblin-applets (0.41)
To: <ubuntu-mobile@lists.ubuntu.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

This week I added all the internationalization support back into
moblin-applets and enabled mobile-basic-flash to display multi-language
icon texts. Essentially I regenerated a new po/POTFILES.in and
po/POTFILES.skip with all the files that have and don't have
translatable strings. About 50% of them haven't changed since th
gnome-control-center fork, but that leaves quite a few with either fuzzy
or no translations in all the languages available. The following
language files are available in the po directory:


af.po  bg.po ca.po dz.po es.po  fr.po  hi.po  it.po  lt.po  mn.po  nl.po
pl.po rw.po  sr.po  tr.po  zh_CN.po am.po  bn_IN.po  cs.po el.po et.po
ga.po  hr.po  ja.po  lv.po  mr.po  nn.po   pt_BR.po  sk.po sv.po  uk.po
zh_HK.po ar.po  bn.po     cy.po  en_CA.po  eu.po  gl.po  hu.po  ka.po
mg.po  ms.po  nso.po  pt.po sl.po ta.po  vi.po  zh_TW.po az.po  br.po
da.po  en_GB.po  fa.po  gu.po  id.po  ko.po  mk.po  nb.po  or.po   ro.po
sq.po te.po  wa.po  zu.po be.po  bs.po de.po  en_US.po  fi.po  he.po
is.po  ku.po  ml.po  ne.po  pa.po   ru.po  [EMAIL PROTECTED] th.po  xh.po


Basically the translatables for moblin-applets break down into 4 groups:


[Source code]

* Dialogs that aren't designed in glade use gettext (#defined as _() )
to retrieve the translated string

* This is in place in all the source which creates items with text
visible by the user, but I haven't seen the translation actually work


[Desktop config files]

* The .desktop files which are pulled in by mobile-basic-flash have a
field called "Name". This field can duplicated for each possible
language translation. E.g. Name[de]=Persnliche Angaben. 

* modified mobile-basic-flash to read in the value of the LANG
environment variable and to first query the .desktop file to see if a
language specific version of Name exists, if not, it uses the default.
This has been verified to work quite well with both application icons
and applet icons.


[Glade GUI descriptor files]

* This is where the bulk of the translatable material resides. I see
that the glade files are indeed processed by intltool, but I have yet to
see any of my glade dialogs show translated language strings when the
LANg env var is switched to de for instance.


[Schema files]

* This is for any of the gconf comments or human readable key values
that will be going on the system. At the moment moblin-applets doesn't
use gconf for anything human readable so no schema files are


So the tasks that remain to get moblin-applets 100% up to snuff with
i18n are as follows:


1)       Need to fix or at least find the proper way to verify that the
source code based translations are working

2)       Need to fix or at least find the proper way to verify that the
glade based translations are working

3)       Need to fill in all the blanks wrt all the translatable
strings. Each string has 79 languages to translate into, and I don't
know how we will be handling this.


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Message: 5
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 23:31:43 -0300
From: Adilson Oliveira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Status report for 21/02 to 27/02
To: Ubuntu Mobile <ubuntu-mobile@lists.ubuntu.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi there.

Those last few days my work related to UME was:
* Adapt OpenOffice to be able export documents to PDF from command line.
This is done basically by a macro that formats the input file, pass it
through openoffice filters and saves as a PDF. The reson behind this is
to allow evince to view MS Office documents. This was particulary
troublesome because of the sheer size and complexity of openoffice. To
make things worse, during this process some specific changes needed to
be done applying partially a patch from the official maintainer so it
could build correctly on PPA.
* Created a small launcher application called "treb" (short for
trebuchet) that is basically an openfile-type dialog that will let the
user select a file and will automatically filter it using OpenOffice and
pass it to be read by Evince.




Message: 6
Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2008 23:36:58 -0800
From: "Wong, Carl" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: midbrowser status report for 02/21-02/27
To: <Ubuntu-mobile@lists.ubuntu.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;        charset="US-ASCII"

* I looked into i18n support for Midbrowser.  I was able to patch the
Firefox 3.0 
  beta2 chinese language pack and made it work with Midbrowser. All I
had to
  do was add the right guid and version numbers to the install.rdf file.
We should
  be able create those language pack easily. 

* Jimmy and I continued to work on bug fixes.



Message: 7
Date: Thu, 28 Feb 2008 17:07:41 +0800
From: "Du, Alek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Moblin Kernel and Driver Status for WW09
To: <Ubuntu-mobile@lists.ubuntu.com>
Content-Type: text/plain;        charset="us-ascii"

Kernel Support
Fixed bug: The USB nic can not get IP automatically after resume from S3
https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/193172 The root cause is high speed HUB
resume from S3 does not disconnect and re-enumerate USB device even the
device is reset by HCD, the patch is at
We also identify "issue" "cpuinfo_cur_freq does not report the correct
current frequency https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/193904" actually is

Jay found a Moblin kernel patch file extension not syncing with Hardy
kernel issue and created a patch to fix that.

Jay was debugging an issue
https://bugs.launchpad.net/moblin-image-creator/+bug/193830 This issue
only happens on Hardy UME kernel and C0 Poulsbo board. A workaround was

PSB / SLT HW Support
Inuka found an issue on CB: wakeups larger when HT is enabled (also
wakeups unaccounted for in /proc/timer_stats)
https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/194215 and was trying to debug it.

Feng fixed Marvell 8686 V9 bug where the wifi card does not report
itself as a wireless dev but an 802.3 dev.

Dabney Thermal patches
No changes this week.

USB Client Drivers
No changes this week.

PSB Gfx & Video Drivers
Inuka found a Gfx issue: glxgears performance degrades on a D0 after
consecutive runs https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/195942.

Power and Performance Testing/Optimization
No updates.

Grub fast boot/resume
No changes this week.



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End of Ubuntu-mobile Digest, Vol 10, Issue 18

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