Check in /usr/share/mobile-basic-flash/applications

If there are more than 1 .desktop file, then this is where you should
place your .desktop file for it to show up on the home screen.  The
icons would go into /usr/share/mobile-basic-flash/icons

We are trying to get this updated as it was the old mechanism, but I
don't know the status of that update.

The MP3 problem may be due to a missing gstreamer codec?  But I assume
that you can play mp3's with mplayer already... Hm. -- not sure.

Dustin Spicuzza wrote:
> Spencer, Bob wrote:
>> Nice screen shot.
> Thanks, I'm definitely excited about using UME in my car. Love the
> touchscreen-friendly interface. :) 
>> Assuming you have a fairly recent drop of UME, new applications
>>      (like your GPS app) should: 1) install a .desktop file into
>>      /usr/share/applications 2) install an icon into
>>              /usr/share/icons/hicolor/<size>/<type> (e.g.
>> /usr/share/icons/hicolor/64x64/apps/mygps.png) 
>> If #1 is done correctly, the app should show up in the UI.
>> If #1 and #2 are done, it will also have the right icon :)
> Ok... now, looking at /usr/share/applications , there are a million
> different things there. Now, for example, on my desktop, there is an
> icon labeled "Instant Messenger". So, I execute the following in that
> directory:
>     grep -R "Instant Messenger" *
> No results. I have noticed the presence of hildon related directories
> however... 
> $ ls | grep hildon
> hildon-control-panel
> hildon-control-panel.desktop
> hildon-home
> hildon-marquee
> hildon-navigator
> hildon-status-bar
> Now, I also have "galculator" on my desktop... so I make a copy of
> the galculator.desktop in /usr/share/applications, and change the
> "Name" to Galculator II, and name the file galculatorII.desktop.
> Restart the desktop... no results. So.. I was thinking that
> /usr/share/applications had something to do with it, but it seems
> that there is more than meets the eye here.     
> There are also .desktop files in /etc/hildon-desktop ... however,
> following their contents to wherever always seem to inevitably point
> to some .so files, which is leading me to believe that its hardcoded
> somewhere.  So..... any good thoughts?   
> Before going too much further, I should point out that since I'm
> running this on what is (for all practical purposes) a normal PC, I
> have the UME stuff installed side-by-side with ubuntu-desktop (I have
> GDM launch the desktop for me with autologin enabled). I can't
> imagine that makes too much of a difference, but I also realize that
> its not really supported too...     
> Once this gets solved.. we're definitely going to need to put it into
> the UME Wiki somewhere. 
>> Hope that helps for what you're trying to do.  As for playing MP3's
>> (from your blog), what errors are you facing?  The songs needs to go
>> into ~/media/audio.
> Yep. It shows up in the UI, but complains about mp3 files in
> particular. 
> I installed the "normal" mp3 stuff... however, that didn't fix that
> error. I haven't really looked into fixing this in any serious way
> yet however, since I'm working on getting roadnav to look/work nicely
> in UME. It may be related to having ubuntu-mobile installed
> side-by-side with ubuntu-desktop too.. not sure.    
> Thanks!
> Dustin

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