Hi Jason,

Thanks for the tips.

> I think the issue you have with the arrow keys not acting like arrows on
> the Q1U is because they are mapped as up = F1, down = F3, right = F10,
> left = F9.  One way you can change this is by editing:
> /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-misc.fdi

I was gonna do this but decided to try to create my own as Oliver suggested but 
now I realize I still do not understand how hal behaves. I created a new file 
where Oliver suggested but I think the original location 
/usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/30-keymap-misc.fdi is overwriting 
it. I include that file below.

> Another way to change the key mappings is to just run a script (as root)
> that does this:
> sudo setkeycodes e056 108
> sudo setkeycodes e057 105
> sudo setkeycodes e058 103
> sudo setkeycodes e059 106

This does the job for me too and the scripting idea is interesting.

Out of curiosity,  how does one know the "e056" type of information and the 
associated numbers? I know of "xev" but the numbers that it returns do no match 
those you list. Neither do they seem to match the standard codes for "up arrow" 
and such. Please excuse my ignorance :)

Thanks for your suggestions!



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?> <!-- -*- SGML -*- -->

<deviceinfo version="0.2">
        <!-- Samsung Q1 Ultra -->
          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e054:menu</append> 
<!-- Menu: mute -->
          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e058:103</append> <!-- 
Up arrow: mute -->
          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e059:106</append> <!-- 
Right arrow: mute -->
          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e056:108</append> <!-- 
Down arrow: mute -->
          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e057:105</append> <!-- 
Left arrow: mute -->
          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e064:f5</append> <!-- 
Shutter key: mute -->
          <append key="input.keymap.data" type="strlist">e06e:f11</append> <!-- 
UDF key: mute -->
          <append key="info.capabilities" type="strlist">input.keymap</append>


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