
I have a Q1U with Ubuntu MID also.

2008/12/27 Stefano Guglia <stefano.gug...@eutelia.com>:
> 1) the front and rear cameras are not included in the desktop options: I
> googled around and realized that are still not supported (no
> drivers)..right?? (sorry but did'nt find any camera in dmesg so I do not know
> the chipset)

I didn't find anything about the cams either. :(

> 2) when I plug a usb key in, the system ask for dowload media contents with no
> othe options..what if I wanted to play media contents directly from my usb
> key(s)?

Mmmm if you want to see if some key is recognized by the system you
can try it with xev. To do so first you need to kill devilspie (the
program that makes all the windows maximized all the time:

killall devilspie

Exit that terminal that is still maximized and then in another one just write


So when you press a key you should see some feedback. If you don't,
see in dmesg. With this I found out that the four arrow keys from the
right side are: F1, F9, F3 and F10 or something like that, and then
going to gconf-editor - apps - metacity - global keybinding and
keybinding command. There I put xkill, the ALT F2 Run box and
installed tilda to have a terminal always at hand :) Also another
interesant butto is UDF (you can find it lifet VOL-). UDF is F11 so in
programs like firefox, gnome-terminal, xournal it is for FullScreen :)
And also the Shutter button is for F5 (refresh)

> 2a) tried to find a media player, but none installed by default. Am I wrong?
No, I didn't find anything... But you can try elisa

sudo aptitude install elisa

> 3) I tried to call synaptics from console (other easier paths?) and install
> KDE but there are "not found" packages..how to bypass this problem?
> Packages seem to be downloaded from local..how to verify and let synaptics
> download from remote repositories?

Mmmm maybe you first need to update your sources list.

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop

> 3a) is it possible to install there a complete desktop env. such as KDE, to
> run when needed?

If you install another desktops in Ubuntu then you can choose them at
the GDM Start Screen.

> 4) when I try to play video, I see just a black background, nothing starts.

Maybe you don't have the codecs:

sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras

That will install all the programs that everyboy needs but for legal
reasons can come with the installation: flash, java, mp3, divx, rar,
zip, etc.


PS: Sorry for my english :(

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