On 18/01/06 at 18:53 +0100, Stephan Hermann wrote:
> Hi Lucas,
> please check which repository this is in.
> Main packages are handled a bit differently.
> All main developers can and have to package actual and more stable software 
> in 
> a shorter ammount of time. They can't wait for Debian most of the time. 
> But, please think, that most main devs are Debian Developers or Package 
> Maintainers.
> If you have a look, most of the kde packages are not following the debian 
> uploads. Many of the gnome packages are not following the debian schedules. 
> But after reaching the ubuntu archives, all those changes are magically going 
> back to debian :)
> And gparted has always had 0ubuntuX :)
> If the debian maintainer has problems with it, please send him to 
> changelogs.ubuntu.com and to ubuntu-devel.

This is not my point. Having newer packages in universe is great if we
have the manpower for it. But we should notify Debian so the Debian
maintainer can use our work instead of just re-doing the same thing.
| Lucas Nussbaum
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
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