Hello from the lp liaison,

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I had an very interesting telephone conference yesterday with the
launchpad guys. They are currently considering what features launchpad
3.0 will have. They did send me a list of things they have on the
schedule and ask (among others) us MOTUs to help prioritising the list

In the telefone conference kiko briefly explained each of the points
below. Because of the very massive list, I did a preselection of 16 specs
I consider more important than the list below. This is just a arbitrary
selection of things I consider important, but I'm explicitly asking you
to correct me if you think I'm wrong!

Please have a look at both lists, and try to understand at each of them
what they are about. Please do not hesitate to ask either me in private,
on phone or in #launchpad if you need clarification what a particular
spec is about. Then, please prioritise the 15 (!) most important items
on the list below and send that to me, preferably in private email. Use
'1' for the most important spec and '15' you care least. Use '-' to mark
specs you don't care about at all. Keep in mind that you have exactly 15
votes! I will then compile all submissions and forward that then to

Please keep in mind that kiko asked us to give the prioritisation in the
next days, so please let's not go into lengthy discussion about
implementation details unless really really necessary.

Thanks for your help!

|| M || Feature || Comments ||

== features that I consider more important ==

||   || /TagDiscipline || Actually using OfficialBugTags for something! ||
||   || /CompleteActivityLog || Ensuring bug activity captures all bug changes 
||   || [wiki:Self:/ActivityLogInterleaving Bug Activity UI Interleaving] || 
Displaying activity in the comments view ||
||   || MaloneMeToo || Being able to say and record "this bug affects me to" ||
||   || /FixingIrrelevantComments || Marking and hiding irrelevant comments. 
See [https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/220535 bug 220535]. ||
||   || Expired bugs || Allowing us to track expired bugs separately from 
invalid, including a textual rationale ||
||   || No more Confirmed || With Me Toos and Triaged, removed this confusing 
status ||
||   || Import a remote bug UI || One-push importing and task-annotation from 
Debbugs & Bugzilla ||
||   || /CaptureDistroSeriesWhenFilingBugs || UI to allow the user to say "I 
don't know/Hardy/Intrepid/..." ||
||   || Qualifying bug reporters || Redirect non-qualified people to answers; 
based on Karma, Ubuntu Members, Referees, etc. ||
||   || Package-specific reporting guidelines || Bonus points for a syntax for 
including screenshots  ||
||   || Proactive bug imports || Enabling complete syncs from plugin-enabled 
sites ||
||   || Code review UI || Allow code review of patch attachments, 
feature-parity with Bugzilla ||
||   || [wiki:Self:/ExplicitSearchFilteringAndCleanURLs 
/ExplicitSearchFilteringAndCleanURLs] || Let users see and understand what 
search filters are on, and clean up default search URLs, 
https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/28697 ||
||   || Crash reporting || Provide a repository of crashes linked to bug 
reports, possibly integration with Breakpad? ||
||   || Negated Tags in Searches || Allow searching for bugs with some tags, 
but without others ||
||   || Version-tracking of bugs || Being able to specify that a bug is present 
or was introduced in version X, and later fixed in version Y (*) ||

(*) note that this will take a lot of time to implement, and that would
probably block many developer resources from other important specs!

== features that I currently consider less important ==

||   || Workload estimation || Story points/hours ||
||   || Importing from tarballs || Making it easier for people to import 
project bugs into Launchpad for bug tracking ||
||   || [https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/174443 Project group 
dupefinder support] ||  ||
||   || /BugFreezing || Marking a bug as frozen, disallowing new comments from 
non-bug-team-members ||
||   || Flip Incomplete to New || Automatically flip bugs from Incomplete when 
information is provided. ||
||   || Timebomb New bugs || After 6/N months, all New bugs become Incomplete ||
||   || /IgnoreSubscriptionsRevenge || Unsubscribing implicit subscribers from 
specific bugs ||
||   || Email first-time bug-reporters || A welcome message and guide to 
triaging process ||
||   || /CollectingBugStatistics || Pre-requisite for the triage report and 
useful to external report builders ||
||   || Triage throughput report || See 
Triaging QoS Report] ||
||   || UI for submitting bugs upstream I || Offering convenience links for 
sites not running our plugins  ||
||   || UI for submitting bugs upstream II || Using our Trac and Bugzilla 
plugins ||
||   || Better package name UI guidance || If the user selects "don't know" 
then lead him to an explanation ||
||   || /BetterPrivacyWorkflow || Allow special users to submit private bugs, 
and make it clear what consequences result of marking a public bug private ||
||   || Specific status change UI || Guide people to our intended workflow; 
allow people to add a comment and click a button to do a certain status 
transition ||
||   || Duplicate-detection inside launchpad || Scavenge Launchpad bugs with 
similar contents to the bug displayed and easily mark dupes ||
||   || Duplicate-detection across bugtrackers || Scavenge upstream and 
downstream bugtrackers for possible duplicates of bug report; on-demand and as 
a second step to bug reporting ||
||   || Bugtask forwarding relationships || Being able to say "This bug is in 
Ubuntu" or "This bugtask needs an upstream task" or "This bugtask is waiting 
for an uptream task" ||
||   || Duplicate bug watch workflow || When a bugwatch is linked to multiple 
bugs, notify/warn users (how? when?) ||
||   || Quick summary/description/tags editing || Allowing people to change 
these fields without two pageloads ||
||   || Status/Milestone updates for milestoned bugs || Simple UI to update 
selected bugs ||
||   || Fix issues with bug nominations discussed at UDS || 
[https://launchpad.net/bugs/253597 Bug 253597], 
[https://launchpad.net/bugs/253600 bug 253600], 
[https://launchpad.net/bugs/253608 bug 253608], 
[https://launchpad.net/bugs/253612 bug 253612], 
[https://launchpad.net/bugs/110195 bug 110195], 
[https://launchpad.net/bugs/253610 bug 253610] ||
||   || Link HWDB submissions to bug reports || This would be a first step, 
just linking a submission to a bug report. The developers would still have to 
download the data and look at it offline. ||
||   || Link hardware component to a bug report || This would allow us to be 
more specific at saying which hardware is affected. This feature inludes 
storing the submissions in a structured way, allowing submissions to be 
searched by hardware component. ||
||   || Make HWDB submissions searchable by kernel version || Extract the 
kernel version used when the HWDB submission, displaying it, and allow searches 
to be filtered by it  ||

== Still need sorting and clarifying from the launchpad devs ==

||   || Answer tracker localization || ||
||   || Mass Bug Editing || 
[https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+spec/mass-bug-editing 1] 
[https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+spec/mass-bug-editing-phase-2 2] 
[https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+spec/mass-bug-editing-phase-3 3] 
[https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/41702 bug 41702 ] ||
||   || Deleting bug tasks || admin feature to fix actual mistakes and avoid 
DBA intervention ||

Thank you for you collaboration!

Reinhard Tartler, KeyID 945348A4

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