[replying at the end]

Den 2015-10-27 kl. 14:24, skrev Nicholas Skaggs:
> On 10/24/2015 04:18 AM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>> Hi Nicholas and Marc,
>> [replying inline]
>> Best regards
>> Nio
>> Den 2015-10-23 kl. 22:09, skrev Marc Deslauriers:
>>> Hi,
>>> On 2015-10-23 03:50 PM, Nicholas Skaggs wrote:
>>>> On 10/21/2015 12:08 PM, Nio Wiklund wrote:
>>>>> Hi Nicholas and Marc,
>>> Whoops, sorry for not replying earlier, I didn't notice the thread.
>>>>> *Date and time*
>>>>> Wednesday would be the best day for me, and Thursday the second
>>>>> best day
>>>>> and Tuesday is not good at all.
>>>>> I don't know how to arrange a session, so I would rely on you to
>>>>> make it
>>>>> possible and book a time slot.
>>>> http://summit.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/propose-a-session/. You want a
>>>> discussion
>>>> session. I can help if it's still confusing, but see below. Sounds
>>>> like you
>>>> might not want a session anymore.
>> If the problems with the SDC can be solved without a session, it is a
>> waste of effort and time to arrange a session for it.
>>>>> *Content*
>>>>> Now that you, Marc, have started the work to revamp the SDC by
>>>>> simplifying it, and at the same time stating that none of the
>>>>> alternative installers can be accepted, I'm not sure what to
>>>>> discuss in
>>>>> such a session. Maybe something along these lines:
>>>> Seems you have some things to discuss, but it doesn't have to be a
>>>> session if
>>>> you don't want it to be. Since we've settled on not changing the
>>>> default, the
>>>> impact is certainly lessened and indeed there is less to discuss.
>>>> It's up to
>>>> you. We should start a new thread to discuss your questions though
>>>> if you want
>>>> to go that route. Perhaps a status from Marc would help also.
>> Yes, I'm glad that both of you have replied now :-)
>>> I did work on SDC before I went on holiday. I haven't looked at it
>>> since I came
>>> back, but I believe it was usable. I ripped out all the unused code,
>>> and it now
>>> simply copies the image to the USB device, which should make it
>>> reliable and
>>> able to work with all the different flavours.
>>> I'll try and get it packaged in a PPA early next week if anyone wants
>>> to test it.
>> Yes, I want to test it, just tell me when it is ready for testing, and I
>> hope several other people will test it too.
>>>>> Can we decide to make the SDC reliable by removing its ability to
>>>>> create
>>>>> persistent live drives?
>>>>> 1. As a temporary solution to make it work again
>>> I think this is the best solution for now, and if everyone is in
>>> agreement, I
>>> think I'll ask that it gets uploaded to Xenial.
>> +1
>>>>> 2. In the long perspective
>>>>> 2.1. Should persistence be added afterwards, when a reliable method is
>>>>> found (for example the method, that was developed by Andre
>>>>> Rodovalho and
>>>>> modified by me in mkusb)?
>>>>> 2.2. Or is it enough that the SDC is creating 'live-only' pendrives?
>>>>> Users who want persistent live pendrives, can be adviced to use one of
>>>>> the available alternatives (but they will not be included in Ubuntu).
>>>> I think I'm in this camp. Keep the default as simple as possible.
>>>> More advanced
>>>> usage can advocate other tools. And there's no reason they can be
>>>> packaged in
>>>> the ubuntu archives so they are easy to get.
>>> I think recommending an alternative such as mkusb is probably the
>>> best solution
>>> too, but I don't have any objection if someone wants to add a
>>> persistence mode
>>> back in SDC...perhaps as a non-default option (maybe even requiring
>>> it to be
>>> launched with a command line option for it to show up in the GUI...).
>>> Marc.
>> I'm open for both of these alternatives (with and without persistence).
>> I have tried to get people's opinion about it at the Ubuntu Forums, but
>> there are not many replies or votes, and there is no overwhelming
>> indication in either direction. (But most votes and replies indicate
>> that *something* must be done with the SDC to make it work in a reliable
>> way.)
>> Maybe there will be more opinion, when your version of the SDC is
>> uploaded to the repo, Marc. In that case we can help deciding what to do
>> and maybe help doing it.
>> -o-
>> One thing we have not yet discussed is re-using the pendrive. It is more
>> difficult to re-use a pendrive after an iso file is cloned to it,
>> because there is an ISO 9660 file system, which is read-only.
>> There are wiping options in mkusb version 10.3. I think one of them
>> should be added to the SDC, the standard one, that wipes the first
>> mibibyte and creates an MSDOS partition table and a FAT32 partition.
> I would say this too would be "advanced" usage, and for simplicity and
> robustness sake, it shouldn't be in SDC. I'm glad to hear mkusb has
> those options so alternatives exist. I don't want to stray too far off
> topic, but I think it would be useful to get mkusb in the archives. I'm
> not sure where the project or source code lives, but consider getting it
> accepted into debian / ubuntu so it will be a part of the next LTS.
> Nicholas

Hi Nicholas,

1. I understand from your reply that you think we can continue this
discussion via this mailing list, now that we are waiting for Marc's
'makeover' of the SDC (to be tested). This also means that we need no
session at the UOS.

2. Nicholas, you want to keep the SDC extremely simple, so we should not
add anything - no persistence, no tool to wipe and/or make a new MSDOS
partition table and a FAT32 partition. It is OK for me too, at least in
the short perspective. We'll find out how the big user group reacts,
what they want, when the new version of the SDC is released.

3. mkusb resides in ppa:mkusb/ppa, ppa:mkusb/unstable and at phillw.net.

Since it is 'only' a bash shellscript that calls standard tools, the
executable code is also the source code, and the same version can be
copied for all versions of Ubuntu.

I have read the instructions how to make it part of the Debian or Ubuntu
repos, and it looks very difficult. There are several steps, that I am
unable to do. There must be some kind of mentor or helper, who will
manage the packaging. *I need help* [to find someone who can help me].

I'm willing to do my part of it. I'm also prepared to give high priority
to keeping mkusb up to date, so that it works with all current Ubuntu
versions and flavours including the developing version. This includes
filing bugs for help programs, if they are failing (like I did, when a
zenity update in wily was compiled without the html interpreter).

Best regards

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