On 11/10/12 22:32, Sebastien Bacher wrote:

That's something I didn't find a good way to do this cycle for the desktop summaries and I wonder how other teams deal with that?

I've a rough idea of what desktop is working on but I never find the time to chase down all the references to list them in those emails... Do we have any report which list "all the bugs assigned to people from $team"? That would be a good start but not quite a match for that list since lot of our team members have pet bugs they plan to work that are not release material...

Sebastien Bacher

We were just thinking the same with the Xubuntu team a while ago.

For us, any bug that is linked to a blueprint targeted for the release would be the answer. This isn't the complete truth (yet), since we haven't linked all bugs to blueprints. It doesn't seem impossible to do this for future releases though, at least for us; we don't have too many bugs and linking bugs to blueprints is really easy anyway.

The proposed method would also mean that this information could be gathered automatically. Maybe some "filters" could be added to this process though; the most simple one being only marking bugs with the status "In progress" to be the "bugs working on by team".


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