On 28.01.2010 14:01, Alvin wrote:

> - The product has been proven to be reliable
> - Searches are a lot faster (last time I checked).

Well, I must admit that netatalk is one of most reliable services I have 
ever seen on UNIX. To be honest, I find it strange that someone is using 
anything else.

> - CIFS is not an option for Mac in some environments. Have you tried it?

I'd agree with this statement. CIFS/SMB implementation on MACOS, even 
though it is based on samba, is very bad.

> On the whole, Macs do not play well in a networking environment. Adobe on Mac
> certainly does not make things easier.

That's true. Saving files to network device from Adobe software on Mac 
is lottery.

As for apple, at some stage, MacOS couldn't print on other CUPS print 
servers. Apple changed CUPS source to make it not work with anything 
else than other MacOSes. Luckly, that was fixed and Apple bought CUPS.

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