On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 8:18 PM, Ahmed Kamal <k...@ubuntu.com> wrote:

>  Got confirmations from:
> - twirrim (MySQL)
> - Koolhead17 (etckeeper)
> I will consider other chapters to be *orphaned* .. That is, if you'd like
> to save the world, please step up, write your name besides one of those
> chapters (as listed on http://pad.ubuntu.com/serverguide ) and start
> reviewing.

I have almost finished the package management review locally. It would be
pushed before monday morning.
Sorry for the delay.

Christophe Sauthier   -  06 16 98 63 96
Objectif Libre  www.objectif-libre.com
Services et Formations Open Source

> Thanks a lot
> On 10/05/2011 03:46 PM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> Calling out to:
> - Christophe.sauthier (Package Management)
> - javiplx (Kerberos, Kerberos and Ldap)
> - guillaume-espanel (Monitoring)
> - twirrim (MySQL)
> - stefan-pynappels (LAMP overview)
> - guillaume-espanel (Backups)
> - Koolhead17 (etckeeper)
> Everyone listed above has some review chapters that are listed as TODO, or
> INPROGRESS. Since we're a week away from release, can everyone of you please
> update the status on http://pad.ubuntu.com/serverguide ASAP
> and also to please reply to me by email (within 24hours) that you're still
> interested (or not) in working on that
> Thanks a lot, a lot of great work has been done, let's keep pushing
> Cheers
> On 09/27/2011 12:38 PM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> On 09/13/2011 03:44 PM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> On 08/18/2011 01:49 PM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> On 08/17/2011 06:33 PM, Ahmed Kamal wrote:
> Hi folks,
> As you know Adam the maintainer of the serverguide had stepped down. I'm
> trying to assemble a team of server oriented folks who are interested in
> reviewing the Ubuntu server guide (making sure all the info inside is fresh
> and accurate), this is only part of it, the team would also work on creating
> a fresh chapter on UbuntuCloud (openstack+orchestra+Ensemble).
> If you are interested, please raise your hand
> Cheers
>  Wow, I have been bombarded with interested contributors! Thanks to
> everyone who replied offering to contribute, this is how we "Ubuntu people"
> get things done! For everyone wanting to contribute, here is what you need
> to do:
> - Visit: http://pad.ubuntu.com/serverguide
> - Pick a sub-chapter you would like to review, add your launchpad name to
> the end and change status from TODO to INPROGRESS
>   Example: 4.2TCP/IP (TODO) would become 4.2 TCP/IP (INPROGRESS)(YOUR-LP-NAME)
> - That pad page also has instructions on how to grab the serverguide and
> work with it
> - If you've never used bzr before, this tutorial can be useful:
> http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/mini-tutorial/
> - If you need any help, ping me kim0 on irc. I hang out on #ubuntu-server
> or #ubuntu-cloud. Or shoot me an email
> Note: While we've broken down the work items by sub-chapter, I would like
> to encourage you to own a full chapter since that should help with
> consistency
> Thanks again for offering to help, we have a limited time frame till 11.10
> is released, so your prompt contributions are very welcome. Let's start
> crunching
> Hi Team,
> We are almost half way through this month. My soft goal is to have all
> chapters in a merge proposal by end of this month. If you're interested in a
> nice graphical representation of approximately where we are, please check
> this out
> http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2011/09/serverguide-review-progress/
> - If you'd like to help with this effort, your help is needed and time is
> not on our side. Please do adopt a chapter on
> http://pad.ubuntu.com/serverguide all instructions are already on that
> page
> - If you already adopted a chapter, kindly update your chapters' status to
> one of:
>   * TODO: Someone needs to adopt this
>   * TODO + YourName : I am planning to review this sub-chapter. It will be
> ready for a merge proposal by end of this month
>   * INPROGRESS: I am already on it, will be ready by end of month
>   * PROPOSED: Merge proposal filed
>   * DONE: Merged
> Cheers
>  Hi again,
> Oneiric is approaching *fast*. Please visit
> http://pad.ubuntu.com/serverguide and update your chapters' review status.
> Thanks a lot for everyone who has contributed to improving the serverguide.
> As usual, if you think you cannot review your chapters before 1st Oct,
> please consider reverting its status to TODO
> Thanks
> --
> ubuntu-server mailing list
> ubuntu-server@lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-server
> More info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam
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