Bugs last updated between 2023-08-18 (Friday) and 2023-08-20 (Sunday) inclusive
Date range identified as: "Monday triage"

https://pad.lv/2030351 | quota | /etc/default/quota RPCQUOTAOPTS=Not Working
  The user claims this is a security issue. However it does not seem to
  qualify. This still seems to be a bug, but I wonder if it is a supported case
  (e.g., is the user running the service through systemd?). I requested more
  information and set this to incomplete until then.

https://pad.lv/2031942 | openssh | AuthorizedPrincipalsCommand is ignored if 
  This affects our openssh versions from lunar to mantic. There is an upstream
  patch linked. Added this to server-todo.

Bugs not touched in 60 days

https://pad.lv/2016776 | samba | Samba apport hook - AttributeError: 'NoneType' 
object has n…
  Added server-triage-discuss tag as per

https://pad.lv/2024019 | nginx | Add GCC atomic support (-moutline-atomics) for 
arm64 on Foc…
  Fabio is assigned to this one. I did not touch it.

https://pad.lv/2024276 | mysql-8.0 | MySQL 8.0 in Ubuntu ignores MTR test 
results, allowing faul…
  Added server-triage-discuss tag as per

https://pad.lv/1897545 | bind9 | Bind9: man file for rndc utility mentions 
wrong config file…
  Only the focal target needs a fix now. I added a bitesize tag to this one.

There were no discourse topics/comments needing triaging.

Athos Ribeiro

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