On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:08 PM, Benjamin Turner <
passionsplaydes...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I would second not throwing out any concepts right off the bat.  I think
> though that perhaps we should redirect where this thread is going.  Before
> we get down to eliminating or zeroing in on any 'theme' we should really
> take a hard look as to how we want this website to function for the Ubuntu
> Studio community.
> I'd like to try and summarize some things:
> The current site at ubuntustudio.org is a brochure site - it is very
> simple, and establishes a sort of creative vibe- all the while smacking you
> in the face with DOWNLOAD -- 1 2 3! This is exactly what we (traditionally)
> want the visitor to do - try THIS distro.
> I took some time to whip up sitemap for the existing site, and also one for
> the eventual 'revamped' one, using the elements that we have going on the
> wiki.  In addition, I worked a wireframe over a screenshot of the original
> site.
> What becomes apparent to me while looking over these site maps is that
> people are brainstorming for a much more dynamic (and complicated) website,
> one that begins to blur the lines between the wiki, the forums, and the
> website, perhaps taking on aspects of a social networking site (I'm thinking
> specifically about the submissions, polls, and other things that would
> require someone to create a profile).
> But do we have the energy/time/skill?
> I think that many of these things sound cool.  I would ask ourselves if we
> (and future users/contributors) will have the energy to create and maintain
> one MORE online persona.  Maybe, maybe not.  Perhaps this 'social
> connection' role could be filled by other existing sites?  I'm thinking
> about the deviantART and Flikr user groups for inkscape.  Are there other
> sites out there that could facilitate the creation of Music Creation
> Communities?  To put it another way, do we have people here wanting to code
> and maintain that sort of community in relation to the Ubuntu Studio
> Website?
> Where are we going?
> In the end I feel we should more clearly describe where Ubuntu Studio is
> moving, and how we envision using it, and by extension, how we will use the
> website.
> For me I first came to Ubuntu Studio because it was built on the back of
> Ubuntu's Gnome install, but with an eye to a more specialized and
> 'professional' grade of computer user.  This being said, there are still a
> few other applications I install that are not included in the base
> installation (Who doesn't?)  I can see the Ubuntu Studio project becoming a
> nexus of creative energy.  Taking the best things out there, and making them
> work well together, all the while documenting the processes, and making it
> easy for new users (both to Linux, AND to art creation)  to create high
> quality digital art creations.
> Let me know if this resonates with anyone.  Where do others see our goals
> being?
> -- Benjamin
> --
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I hope to address some of the questions in this email later this week.

Properly identifying the audience and the purpose of the website is critical
in order to make the website useful.  I have given it quite a bit of thought
but haven't really devoted time to fleshing it out and writing it down.

However, in that fashion I have been working on this mock-up for the past
two weeks while exploring audience and purpose:

I trust that most people will find this mock-up far superior to my last one

Comments are encouraged and welcomed (even ones that say it sucks).

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