On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Louie Queral <louiethecu...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Scott: If we made everything the DIY look, I think it would become too
> cluttered and gimmicky. I think it should be clean and clear. I'm a
> musician, and I look at US like a desk: I would rather have my desk be a
> solid color, with no blemishes to help me think and finish my project. If my
> desk was cluttered and "grungy" looking, I think it would be very counter
> productive.
> Mike: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/DIYConcept
> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 1:08 PM, Scott Lavender 
> <scottalaven...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> On Thu, Sep 16, 2010 at 11:18 AM, Louie Queral 
>> <louiethecu...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> This is off-topic, but still, in my mind, a relatively important point.
>>> I really don't like the DIY theme for either the OS as a whole or US's
>>> website. I think that it makes it look a bit too unprofessional and it may
>>> detract people from using US.
>>> Would anyone agree?
>> Are you saying what we currently have is unprofessional or if we changed
>> everything to a DIY theme it would be unprofessional?
I actually got a job pretty quick and started last Monday, so I don't have
the free time I expected.  Still, I've got something to show you all.
Here's a sketch I did of what I think of when I refer to 'comic book' style,
as opposed to the cell-shaded Borderlands look seen on the Wiki:


The logo is based off Cory's, though it is still using my font imitation, so
the 'o' is different.  Imagine this properly inked and colored, and you get
the idea.  This particular image would probably be more useful for a
Plymouth splash or GTK theme as opposed to website imagery, but I think it
gets the point across.

Also, I don't think the DIY idea needs to look cluttered or gimmicky.  Take
a look at the graphic in the upper left of Mozilla's site:


That conveys a DIY feel, with the paint strokes, but still looks simple and

I'll try to come up with a mock-up of the more simple, shiny slick button
theme in a few days.

Let me know what you all think.

-Brian David
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