On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Jeremy Jongepier <jer...@autostatic.com>wrote:

> On 10/11/2010 08:36 PM, Ronan Jouchet wrote:
> > On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 2:09 PM, Brian David<beej...@gmail.com>  wrote:
> >> Also, you should not be using limits.conf anymore.  JACK will create
> >> /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf, and that is the one that should be
> used
> >> to adjust settings.  I think it might cause trouble if these settings
> are
> >> listed in both limits.conf and audio.conf
> >>
> >> What kind of interface are you using?
> >> -- Brian David
> >
> > Howdy,
> >
> > TToine: yes I added myself to the audio group (that's what "the usual
> > setup in groups" meant in my extremely imprecise original mail :P )
> >
> > Brian, yay! You're right these settings were in
> > /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf (thanks to jackd2's dpkg install
> > procedure, am I right?) but I also added them manually in
> > /etc/security/limits.conf . Seems to work fine after restoring
> > limits.conf. And sorry if the following questions have already been
> > answered, but:
> >   a. is audio.conf new to jack2?
> No, it's new as of Lucid. The origin of this change is in Debian.
> >   b. why this change?
> Ask the Debian packagers. Probably because it complies better with
> conventions. Don't ask me which conventions, don't have the faintest clue
> ;)
> >   c. should we leave limits.conf alone now?
> >
> Make your changes in /etc/security/limits.d/audio.conf to prevent any
> future problems.
> > I am using an Edirol FA-66. And while we're at it, now seems a good
> > time to empty my bag of related questions:
> >   d. I read about changes in the firewire stack (different kinds of
> > /dev beasts used now). Do they concern all firewire cards, and what is
> > their impact?
> Yes, concerns all cards. It's a complete rewrite afaik.
> >   e. is adding the user to the "disk" group still required?
> No idea, haven't used/tested the new Juju stack yet, afaik this is not
> necessary anymore. But then it wasn't required with the old stack
> either, you'd better use the audio or video groups for that.
> >   f. under lucid, in order to get jack to start I often had to modprobe
> > raw1394&&  chmod a+rw /dev/raw1394 . Under Maverick I no longer need
> > this, is this thanks to the new firewire stack, some kind of new auto
> > setup, or the powerz of keyboard cat playing during a full moon night?
> >
> modprobing and chmodding isn't necessary at all when you use the Ubuntu
> Studio Controls or add the raw1394 module to your /etc/modules and
> create a /etc/udev/rules.d/50-raw-firewire-permissions.rules manually.
> > Thanks everybody for your grrreat help!
> > Ronan
> >
> Best,
> Jeremy
> --
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one thing i do to trouble shoot my firewire interface is run sudo qjackctl.
if JACK starts as root, then i know i need to look at the permissions and
groups, and go from there. i have had decent luck just adding myself to the
audio and video groups, and looking at
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Firewire . i have a presonus firepod.


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