Hi Cory,

On Fri, May 20, 2011 at 7:43 PM, C K <coryis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am currently in the very early stages (like 2 or 3 emails worth) of
> working out thematic ideas.
> Once there's something to show, I'll CC some folks. (as said in my 1st email)
> I would ask them to join our list but the past has shown me that it's
> never as useful as hoped and they never want our other email. Most
> folks I've asked don't want to be bothered.
> The GTK and XFWM/Metacity themes I will be taking care of with the
> Shimmer folks without input from others.
> The wallpaper, LightDM, Plymouth and images for the website will all
> have a consistent message and will come from Izo. Once he and I have
> some sort of a direction I'll CC Scott and Jorge.

Being that I will be in charge of creating the website theme, I was
expecting that I could be involved at this very early stage of the
creative process, both to have a better understanding of drives the
designs and also as a means to be able to provide some input.

> @Jorge: Honestly, I'm not looking for many opinions as to the thematic
> elements that will represent Ubuntu Studio so my plan is to bring you
> in once we have some images. I know you'll need particular sizes for
> things, as well as come up with ideas after seeing some early images.
> Things won't be set in stone but somewhat of a path will be chosen by
> Scott and I once Izo has had some time to be creative.

I appreciate your candidness. In the same spirit of candidness, I will
have to say that if this is the case, then my interest and with it my
motivation dwindles.



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