If this situation develops and key apps don't get ported to GTK3, that will 
force someone, presumably a serious user of these apps, to maintain the old 
libraries in a PPA along with those  apps. Until I figured out how to get 
Audacious to play .wav files, I had to keep GTK 1.2 around so I could run an 
old version of XMMS that went unsupported after Gutsy. Ran it most of the way 
though Natty!  If everyone had to do this for, say, audacity, audacious, etc 
etc etc it would simply force the availablity of these libraries, possibly 
though in a hodgepodge of multiple PPA's. If that ever happnes, people will 
have to go out of their way to either avoid versioned dependency on their 
version of GTK2, or will have to resort static compilation. Under this 
scenario, GTK 2 apps would be treated like Blender and  Cinelerra, which simply 
have their own GUI interfaces.Hopefully, this will instead work like what 
happened with kdenlive, one of my key apps. In KDE3.5 it worked but was 
seriously buggy. KDE4 forced a proper rewrite, leading to a far better program, 
and nobody that I know of ever looked back. Took about a year after KDE4 came 
out, though, for that sort of thing to stabilize.Maybe we need to consider the 
12.04 LTS the target for getting this porting right, with developers expected 
to start the work for 11.10 but accept that in some cases it might be 
12.04?Still, Anything really important that is unmaintained or which does not 
cleanly port to GTK3 for some reason probably will end up having to be compiled 
with GTK2 staticly included.
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 17:10:14 +0200From: Ralf Mardorf 
<ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net>To: ubuntu-studio-devel@lists.ubuntu.comSubject: 
Re: Heads up, gcdmaster no longer available in Oneiric.Message-ID: 
<1307718614.13487.191.camel@debian>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"On 
Fri, 2011-06-10 at 10:30 -0400, Mike Holstein wrote:> On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 
9:06 AM, Ralf Mardorf> <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net> wrote:> Do you keep in 
mind, that a lot of Linux audio users migrate> from distro> to distro, 
regarding to what at the moment fit best to their> needs?> > I never used this 
app, but people who are accustomed to it,> might prefer> it for their 
work-flow.> > Don't make it harder for people to migrate to Ubuntu Studio.> > 2 
Cents,> > Ralf> > > > hey Ralph.. ill just paste in Luke's message that started 
this thread> which contains a very concise explanation of not only why 
gcdmaster is> going away. but also what we can do to keep it around...> > > "Hi 
folks,> I still lirk here and read some discussion from time to time, and one> 
thing I noticed was the daily report of uninstallability issues with> the 
studio images, the latest one involving gcdmaster/cdrdao. I have> fixed that 
issue in the seeds, and am presently uploading a new meta> to fix it in the 
archive properly. The downside is that you lose> gcdmaster. Its worth noting 
that gcdmaster uses old GNOME libraries> which are being removed from the 
Ubuntu images, and even main.> Gcdmaster is also not really maintained 
upstream. Unfortunately this> is not easily fixable, as gcdmaster is built from 
the cdrdao package,> which is in main.> > If you want gcdmaster, then someone 
needs to step up and 1) maintain> it, and 2) port it away from legacy GNOME 
libs.> > Luke"IIUC it depends to the switch from GNOME2 to another DE by 
Ubuntu. Apartfrom the Linux audio community/ Ubuntu Studio community, what 
opinionsare common by the Ubuntu users community?There's a German idiom 
'zweigleisig fahren' (driving double-tracked),that's what I'm doing. In this 
case it does mean I'm using Ubuntu andDebian and I'll wait for what will happen 
in the future.I wonder if Ubuntu drifts too much away from being comfortable 
for audiousage. Imagine an engineer accustomed to Linux audio can't work with 
anyLinux anymore, because a distro doesn't keep common apps.Until now there are 
no issues for me, I'm still comfortable with myMaverick install. Well, Natty 
already is tricky. I've got doubtsregarding to Oneiric.OTOH, for Debian there's 
much more work to set up a DAW, I don't think alot of people will debuild ALSA 
firmware etc..IMO this will cause more and more Ubuntu and Debian derivatives, 
somanpower is scattered to the four winds. We already have severalaudio/art 
distros based on Ubuntu or Debian.Regards,Ralf                                  
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