On Mon, January 7, 2013 11:50 pm, David Henningsson wrote:
> 2013-01-08 00:45, Len Ovens skrev:

>> skype where the incoming audio may be at 44.1k but the mic runs at 48k
>> (only)? This is not uncommon BTW. I have already had to change the
>> default
>> on my netbook in pulse so that the built in mic would work.
> PulseAudio would not switch to something the backend/driver/hardware
> would not support. In the case of Jack, PA's backend only supports the
> sample rate that Jack is configured to.

Assuming device support.... in the case of mixing two streams, which rate
would be chosen? The rate of the stream to start (say 32k), or the highest

> In the case of your built in mic, this sounds like a bug in the driver
> (or hardware), if the driver says that it supports 44100 where in fact
> it does not.

It is a part of the HDA spec that a device (an HDA controller) may have
codecs of varying capabilities. I don't know how well ALSA deals with hw:0
having one input at 44.1/48 and another input at 48 only. I don't know if
the mic is even a different sub device (hw:0,1 for example), Pulse shows
the input as selectable line/mic, but the two codecs are not the same. In
theory a single HDA device should be able to support a phone conversation
at 32 or 24 k while at the same time streaming 5.1 audio at 48k. Different
codecs but same HDA controller. This from having read the Intel HDA
spec... I don't know where the bug should be considered in this case... or
if it is just something ALSA doesn't support (yet? ever?)

Len Ovens

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