I have installed Kubuntu on a partition and added Studio to it.
(KubuntuStudio?) In general the pitfalls are:
 - Getting menu and icons correct
 - Getting the right kernel to default in Grub
 - Getting the user in the audio group
 - Getting jackd installed with RT = yes
 - In i386, dealing with mscorefonts (our ISO declines BTW)
 - Backgrounds and themes.
   - We should provide backdrop(s)
   - Icons
   - A logo?
   - A plymouth theme?
   - Make some of them optional?

Rather than make DE metas, perhaps we should make a studio installer
package that can be downloaded and run from any Ubuntu flavour that will
do the above. It would be great if it would work in CLI or GUI modes and
use libs that are available already in each flavour. I do not know if it
is a good idea to aim it at mini.iso as well or not (something to think
about). Mini.iso already has a dialogue for this use.

Findings with Kubuntu. Everything installed, but I had to manually add the
user to group audio. I added the lowlatency kernel, but because it is a
lower version than generic, it is not the default boot. I do not know if
removing the generic is best or changing Grub config.

Everything I tried runs fine. In fact some applications I have had
problems with in xfce (Blender, mixxx) Run fine in KDE. (I will have to
try again in ubuntustudio as installed to see if it is not that the video
driver has been fixed)

The menu addition worked fine in at least 3 of the menu styles. Kickoff,
classic, and Homerun. In search and Launch, our extra menus are there but
disabled by default. They can be made to show with settings. Search mode
works like the the dash in Unity.

Kmix, the KDE replacement for pavucontrol, takes some getting used to but
has everything needed to control pulse and is perhaps a little bit quicker
starting. The user needs to be a little more knowledgeable about changing
sinks and sources than the average desktop user, but that is true for our
stock install as well.

PA to jack bridging works fine (after at least one reboot ... maybe just
logout/in) It behaves the same as in our stock install. Any of the apps I
tried just worked.

What's left?
Look and feel, making the Studio part stand out. I am unsure how we should
go about this. If we used an installer as I suggested above, the user
could choose to leave their desktop as is at install and add backdrops or
whatever as they choose. Or install settings that change the backdrop,
lightdm theme, boot graphics etc. The third option is to create a studio
session and the user could choose a normal or studio session at login. I
would advise against this because, the settings from one session would
affect the other anyway and guess who would get to explain that to the
user. I think it would be the more support intense way to go.

What do we need to do to make this work:
 - reactivate the menu package.
   - includes our desktop files
   - our directory files
 - make a generic desktop package/meta or play fancy with our desktop
files :)  Some of our desktop files call apps that may not install by
default in all flavours. (Xchat for example)
 - Create backdrops for each flavour or DE that say both Studio as well as
the base flavour it is based on. The flavour has done all the work of
putting the DE together and should have their logo show as well as ours.
This is a joint effort and they will be more likely to be willing to
answer user questions if we give credit where due.
 - make the icon-theme generic.
 - Take care of any system settings needed. Maybe split settings into
-default-settings and -system-settings. So we don't try pushing xfce stuff
where it may get in the way.
 - Create an installer.

There are a number of people who add our metas to their install now and so
this part needs to be cleaned up anyway.

Nothing here is in stone, but ideas for discussion.

Len Ovens

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