On Mon, 18 May 2015, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:

On Sun, May 17, 2015, at 06:02 PM, Len Ovens wrote:
Hmm, conversation on menu layout seems to have stopped. However nothing
seems to have been done  ;)

So, I am restarting it. Currently we have:

Audio Production
        extra SW installer
        Mixers (submenu)
        Sound Generators (submenu)
        Effects (submenu)
        Midi Utilities (submenu)
        utilities (inline)

Graphics Design
Video Production
        Audio Tools (submenu)

We are probably not going to change the Audio menu by much, but for
Audio Production
         extra SW installer
         Mixers (submenu)
         Sound Generators (submenu)
         Effects (submenu)
         Midi Utilities (submenu)
        + Measurement (submenu)
                + meters
                + frequency graphs
        + Audio Utilities (submenu)
                + low use utilities
         utilities (inline)
                + high use utilities
                - low use utilities

Graphics Design
Video Production
         Audio Tools (submenu)

I think the important thing here is to not add categories in the menu
that are not either a freedesktop category, or a combination of more
than one.
Let's not add stuff to our liking on a whim, but make sure we keep to
standards as far as possible, so we do not confuse the user with
categories that are not found in other places.

Ok, so how does that apply here? Are you saying remove all audio submenus? Don't add more? The categories in the application desktop files do not follow anything worth while. Getting them fixed may be possible for some applications, but often they are not technically wrong. It is why we have had a custom menu from the beginning. To bring some order to where there was none. I would suggest that one of the reasons menus are being abandoned in many DEs, is that the standard is broken/not followed and the standardized menu is a mess. I have filed the same bug report with 4 or 5 different DEs where their menu definition does not follow the standard or meet with the intent of the standard. One of them agreed and the rest decided it was not broken "won't fix". So KDE (which was right from the beginning) and xubuntu are correct. lxde, xfce, gnome past and present etc. do not allow the user to be able to reorder the look and feel of their menu as they should be able to. If you want something done right... you have to do it yourself... appears to be where this one sits.

If I am to make any changes. I need specifics, not vague comments with no direction. That is why I proposed using a format like above, A diff kind of format. The reason for putting it here is that others can see it, tell me it is wrong (and where) and what the better way would be.

I am quite good at manipulating menus in a way that works with different DEs. Maybe not so good at knowing what the best layout is.

I do know that "use the standard categories" doesn't work. (certainly not for the work I do) The use of desktop files is great in that at least a new application shows up in the menu somewhere, but there is not much order in things beyond general categories and with the "new" android all applications shoved into one mess style of DE, there is no effort to fix any of it either. Development (code, music or other art) and plain work are no longer well supported with most desktop environments, it is all about entertainment and that "desktop experience" whatever that is. I have a computer so that I can use applications and the DE and it's "experience" better not get in the way of me finding and quickly running those applications. The experience is good for about ten minutes (if it is really really good or even "beautiful") after which if there is no order, it just gets in the way.

My goal in Studio, is to help the user spend as little time as possible learning how to find things in the DE and as much time doing their work as possible while still having a profesional look. Not a beautiful look... unless that just so happens to fall in place with efficiency and professionalism. Honestly, I would like to see our menu stub work so well, that other development distros want to include it by default (or parts of it). In the long term, I would like to see it make it's way into the stock menus. But I think it has to prove itself first. If developers know that most audio distros have a menu that uses more specific categories, it will be worthwhile for them to add them. In the mean time, we have to do it the hard way.

Sorry for the long rant. But maybe concider it passion for something better.

Len Ovens

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