On Wed, Jun 17, 2015, at 07:38 AM, Grant Frank Burton wrote:
> many of the video Package are in the Graphics. maybe you need to make it
> like
> Audio
> Visual (imagery)
>  and then in Visual (imagery) you have
> graphics, photos & video or graphics & photo/video

Set had the same proposal, but I I have been pushing to follow standards
as closely as possible, and there is no freedesktop category for
"visual". Video is rather a mix between audio and graphics, which does
not make it strictly visual, so I do feel it is correct not lumping it
with graphics all together. The three main categories in how freedesktop
standardizes is:
  * Audio
  * Graphics
  * Video

More about freedesktop categories -
This page needs to be updated -

Also, Debian has categories for packages, which are called "sections".
And, there are three sections there as well:
  * Sound
  * Graphics
  * Video

Here are the Debian sections in Ubuntu Trusty -

Currently, we are categorizing desktop files only, but the idea is all
of our categorization has the same base. Our menu (freedesktop
categories), our meta packages and our yet unexisting documentation, all
though they won't be identical.

> That's a really hard thing your trying to do. Some how the web is
> generating those list. is that right? so if you start out with just
> two Categories it would seem like you would get a better outcome.

I'm using a script to generate the tables. I'm using the Debian sections
to lump packages into the three groups, audio(sound), graphics and
video. Also, packages are grouped by the release pockets: main,
universe, multiverse and restricted.
If a pocket is not represented, no multimedia packages exists with a
desktop file in that pocket.

More about repositories (release pockets)

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