tisdagen den 4:e oktober 2016 kl. 19:29:35 CEST, Ross Gammon <ro...@ubuntustudio.org> skrev:
Done - Laney has sponsored it for us \o/

\o/ <3

On 03/10/16 15:19, Set Hallstrom wrote:
Thanks Ross:)  I guess Krytarik and I didn't expect the reverts to be

Well, I just thought that it was a smaller diff file, and easier for a sponsor to review. We could have tried for the full transition, but there was a risk that they would suggest deferring it until the next release cycle.

That makes a lot of sense! Put like that it's a great move :) On the fringes of social-engineering lol! I was thinking /inside/ the box in terms of double-work.

I'm told:
>>without it (Provides) and the ability to drop -lightdm-theme off the seed/meta
>>simultaneously, 1.) the image build would start failing, and 2.) the
>>meta would become uninstallable (-desktop, -core).

Good point. I didn't think to check the impact on the metapackages. I will add a task to the bug to remember to take care of that. Hopefully we can cover that problem by uploading new metapackages first, but if the builds fail for a while early in the release cycle it shouldn't matter too much. This happens regularly anyway, when Debian do transitions that don't take care of our seeds :-)

Awesome! Next cycle, 17.04 is Ubuntu Studio 10 year anniversary so lets make it tidy ! :)


Set Hallström
Sent from my Ubuntu pocket computer

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