> To join forces may also be a good idea, but how that could work out, I
don't know

Not sure how. Projects I know:
 - 64 Studio https://64studio.com/ , no distro anymore, but now a service
 - Ubuntu Studio
 - AVLinux http://www.bandshed.net/avlinux/ with an active dedicated forum
 - Planet CCRMA (for Fedora/Centos),
http://ccrma.stanford.edu/planetccrma/software/ last update in 2016
 - Apodio http://apodio.org a recent project
 - KXStudio https://kxstudio.linuxaudio.org/

None of them is really, very attractive at the moment. Blackmagic Design
supports Linux with their latest version of Da Vinci Resolve, but they
recommend Redhat, it still has a solid reputation for workstations.

If I were to create or join a new project like Ubuntu Studio today, I would
start to think about:
 - how to create a sustainable income for main contributor(s), so it's not
something they do as a hobby or in their free time? (that's why, I guess,
64 Studio stopped their distribution in the past to focus on custom jobs
and services)
 - how to create a real community around the project? (the forum of AVLinux
is very interesting)
 - how to attract vendors like Harrison, Focusrite or Blackmagic Design?
(so they would recommend it on their website)
 - how to create an attractive and independent brand to be sure to have
freedom of doing whatever I want? (so users would be proud to tell "yeah I
use that!" and I won't be frustrated by "brand use guidelines")
 - how to collect feedback of end users, in order to focus the roadmap on
their needs first, instead of just doing what we feel we should do? (again,
AVLinux does a great job with their forum)
 - how to have great communication? (Elementary or System76 are good

Regarding all those questions, the example of Linux Mint is interesting
(independence of the brand, community involvement). Also, the exemple of
System76 and their PCs, plus they also created their own Linux distribution
to answer their big customers needs.

Many people and companies are using open source software to create
products. In the past, I though about creating a PC brand for audio and
video, with Ubuntu Studio pre-installed and customer support, plus a set of
sound cards and other compatible hardware. But I never had the opportunity
to launch such a business. Any volunteer ?

Antoine THOMAS
Tél: 0663137906

Le mer. 26 sept. 2018 à 15:40, Thomas Pfundt <captain-...@protonmail.ch> a
écrit :

> Hi Antoine,
> On Wednesday, September 26, 2018 2:44 PM, ttoine <tto...@ttoine.net>
> wrote:
> > After all, the point is to be able to install an optimised system
> without spending a lot of time searching for all the software, plugins and
> configurations
> You can do that with some metapackages, scripts, or even a tutorial. Does
> that justify the work and energy to maintain a distribution?
> I suppose that's exactly the question that just came up and I'm personally
> unsure if you could or not. If you can, then that might possibly even be a
> better option (from my point of view at least) for the previosly mentioned
> reasons by myself and Erich.
> On Wednesday, September 26, 2018 2:44 PM, ttoine <tto...@ttoine.net>
> wrote:
> Maybe this energy could be more useful to help AVLinux or KXStudio? Just
> questions, please don't see any attack here.
> Unfortunately, I can't really say anything all too useful about those
> distributions.
> Back when I started using Ubuntu Studio 16 (or rather 15.10), there wasn't
> an AV Linux release and I believe I read that the project had halted, so I
> was actually suprised to read about it again so frequently on this mailing
> list recently. I suppose there's a new release out, but I haven't taken a
> look at it, yet.
> I have briefly used KXStudio back then as well, but it just felt a bit
> bloated and cumbersome (or I guess they call that "feature-rich" these
> days) to me from what I remember and I found the default setup tools to be
> a little confusing compared to Ubuntu Studio, although I guess they do have
> some more GUI options. I haven't used it since then, but the latest ISO
> currently is also 14.04, which is close to EOL or probably already EOL, if
> it's based on Kubuntu. I don't know what Falk's plans are right now, but it
> doesn't look all that active, either.
> To join forces may also be a good idea, but how that could work out, I
> don't know.
> --
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