Hi Erich and Shinta,

This is what we had https://ubuntustudio.azbulutlu.org/ a few years ago,
and again the main issue is that this was a few years ago. It was based
on the theme that existed for all ubuntu flavors at the time, and it was
actually collaboration of several people, not me alone. :) (there was
some newer cleaner graphics that replaced these, so this is not the
final version of the theme. I believe the latest version is somewhere in
the repos, somewhere.

The point is that while it was very pretty, it is a bit OLD :) and we
were working with a lot of technical limitations in terms of what we
could do within the constraints of the layout we were basing on, modules
we could use etc (and we were at the time trying to make sure it was
easy to update without having to get involved with the code). :) I do
like Shinta's design quite a lot. I might suggest some tweaks to make
content not be halfway visible when page is loaded, and maybe
verification of the order of things on first page, but these are pretty
minor, if they can handle the coding side of it as well, I think it
might be a good idea to go ahead with it. The proposed design looks very
coherent, and definitely has my vote as a user if nothing else. :)

In terms of what got stuck is that we lost communication with the IS at
some point (which made addition of some critical plugins to wordpress
not possible) and there was some disagreements about how to handle the
non-regular aspect of the install, and well we needed to synchronize
this to a git repository somewhere which... The shared of hosting and my
lack of knowledge of git at the time didn't help there.

Main thing if you guys go with this design is that Shinta we will need
from you (or at least this is what we decided at the time we needed,
Erich and the current team might have different opinions) will be work
files (preferably using FLOSS software) of all of the graphics (so that
the team can reuse, edit these assets if needed in future). Release
information clarifying these images are available in a CC by-SA or GPL
license, and to make sure any material you used that wasn't your own
creation (e.g. background photograph on the bottom or any part of the
illustration if they are not your own creation) have a compatible
license and attribution information for it. As this is a draft if you
used some random image, I believe we have some photographs available
somewhere of mixers and keyboards, in art assets repo I think? :)

I'll be also happy to help if any additional hands required for graphics
or programming, or just as a second eye from a usability perspective (my
experience with wordpress is a little better than it was back when I was
involved with this project ;) ) 

Hope this is of help. Glad to see some movement on this project, and
thank you Shinta for taking the initiative to reach out.



On 4/14/19 6:37 AM, Erich Eickmeyer wrote:
> Hi Shinta,
> On Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 8:08 PM, Shinta Carolinasari
> <shi...@playmain.com> wrote:
>> Dear all, So I was looking for design-oriented Linux distro that has
>> good support on Wacom penabled and discovered Ubuntu Studio, and then
>> excited about it. Thanks for your effort for providing this great
>> Linux distro. Hopefully, the community remains active and growing.
>> While this distro is actively developed, I noticed that the website
>> design hasn't been updated for a while. Still nice, but feels a bit
>> outdated, eg: not adopting responsive design yet... while other
>> Ubuntu flavors family website (Lubuntu, etc) are. I believe there is
>> room for improvement on the website so it can be more modern thus
>> promote the distro better. Wondering if you have plan for website
>> redesign and open for a contribution? If so, we can help to
>> contribute web design as well as building the Wordpress theme. We
>> have an initial concept for the homepage. Please check at:
>> https://www.playmain.com/files/ubuntustudio/ubuntustudio-playmain-concept1.png
> I absolutely love what you made. Believe it or not, there were plans a
> few years ago to replace the theme, but there were many roadblocks.
> One of our former (and possibly future?) core team members (Eylul) had
> designed an absolutely beautiful theme. I don't remember all of the
> reasons (perhaps others can chime-in?), but I do know that the theme
> was not easily replaced, as the Wordpress installation is non-standard.
> With the great strides we have taken in Ubuntu Studio over the past
> year, it might be a good time to look at the website again. As is my
> role in this, I can start working on coordination, but I do want to
> work with Eylul again with this. She's an amazing graphic artist and
> I'm sure would have a few ideas of her own.
> With that in mind, I welc ome your contribution, and would like to
> make a way to work together on what the future of the website holds.
> I would like to keep this discussion going and see what develops. I
> would very much like to hear input from others on this list in this
> matter, especially since I wasn't around during the first time we
> tried to modernize/update the website.
> Again, thank you!
> Erich
> ----
> Erich Eickmeyer
> Council Chair
> Ubuntu Studio
> < span style="white-space: pre-wrap;">ubuntustudio.org
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