It may well be the case that i am indeed saying that.
That's not to detract from the value of the UBStudio project at all. We all
have different uses, and requirements. I have an orchestral writing
requirement, so, for example, i'm chasing a lot of ports, and features that
enhance the workflow of my particular process.
 The UBStudio team got me started in Linux, and as a straight install of
Gutsy, with a few tweaks and updates to fix small challenges, it worked
well. Since my initial trip through the Tux Stargate, i've learnt a little
and been able to refine what it is i'm expecting. Kind of like knowing which
question to ask i guess.

UBS isn't a monster by any means, quite the contrary.
But for updates beyond the UBS cycle, and a user driven intent of using
brand new features to enhance the workflow, then there is the choice of
building to a finer level, by source, selecting more specifically what it is
we want to install, and importantly, install.

As my still desperately modest knowledge grows, and given my specific
requirements, i've learnt there is a big opportunity in a user specific
build, tailored to a higher standard, for daily use.

If you were a writer of pop, or hiphop music, my intended build could be
totally unsuitable, for example, as i'd have apps and utilties installed,
and configured to a different setup.

So UBS performs a valuable service in getting a general audio centric OS in
the hands of users who want to write, and record music, (Even pop, or
hiphop. :) ) within the overall Ubuntu philosophy. For a unique build, we
have the choice of a clean sheet, and build from there, app by app.

As you wrote, it may be more useful to you to install vanilla Ubuntu, and
add from there.

It depends entirely on your usage requirements.

I've offered just one perspective, that may or may not give you a view of
what's possible, but practically, there are far cleverer chaps than me here,
who could offer to you still another choice, or set of choices that are more
suited, and almost certainly more intelligent than my perspective.

You could say we have so many choices, that they.....persuade the User to be
'more' sure of what he or she wants.

There's been a few comments in this mailing list from those who just use a
vanilla Ubuntu install, and are happy with that.
Maybe a bit of a peruse could reveal something that will catch your eye. :)

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