Am 16.05.2011 08:43, schrieb aYo Binitie:
Hi Scott,
Your opinions are noted and they are valid. I never claimed that XFCE was no
good - just that I had never used it and there were probably good reasons
why it was second best to Gnome2.

I assure you and everyone who has reservations towards XFCE: it is quite the same as Gnome2 and can be configured to mimic it near to 99%. It even offers some features, Gnome has dropped like switching Desktops with the mouse wheel on any place on the desktop and some more options for configuration. I use Gnome in Ubuntu and XFCE on Fedora on a dayly basis and I hardly notice the differnces (there are some inconveniences in Gnome, I can feel 1-2 times per day...)

Plus: Gnome2, XFCE, KDE have more or less the same basic features that are the ones the user is confronted frequently. All these full-featured desktops can be configured to mimic each other in a way that no user without a lot of experience will notice the differences.

All of them can have a hierarchical menu in the upper left corner, desktop icons, panels, a pager and a tray. And they suppport each others panel-applets or have similar applets as their siblings.

I really think, that nobody, who has used Gnome2 the way a typical normal user uses a desktop will be apalled by XFCE.

best regs


Having said that considering the fact that
going forward there is a need for a new desktop to be adopted - I acquiese
to the fact that you - the UbuntuStudio team have done your due-diligence
and have found this the sensible and viable option. I will take you up on
your suggestion and try Xubuntu to see for myself the possibilities therein.
I have converted the entire Flash development (and IT ) team in my Agency to
the Ubuntuside thus my interest in this is tremendous.

On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Scott Lavender<>wrote:

I apologize for singling out this post, but...

On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 3:37 AM, aYo Binitie<>  wrote:

XFCE - I have no idea about but it was super we would not be all having
these rants.



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I think this is a very, very poor argument.  But iyou are not alone

I haven't read any rants in this thread (well, maybe one) but I have seen a
lot of ignorant whinging.

There has been a vocal minority that asked, "Why change from GNOME 2?" or
some other variant of that statement.  But it appears that these people
neither understand why we made a decision nor have any understanding of XFCE
and how similar it is to GNOME 2.

So, the "rants" are ignorant protestations about change.  This has no
reflection on XFCE.

I challenge you (not just you aYo, but everyone) who thinks XFCE isn't
"super" or good or isn't GNOME 2 to actually try it.  Try it for a week.  A
day, even.

If someone can use XFCE and then provide a good fact based argument for not
using XFCE *OR* can provide a viable alternative we would very much like to
hear them.  I mean that sincerely.

What I don't like, appreciate, or find useful is ignorant whinging without
providing any reasons, facts, or alternatives.


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