I have refurbished 9 machines over the past few years as it is cheaper than buying new I find, for what I do.

I find intel mobo's are coolest and thus quietest running for one thing. I have used all three i3, i5 and i7 versions with no problems with any of them.

i5 and i7 you need to have a separate display adapter card as well but i3 has built in on board display adapter. Also some i3's will support multiple displays in cloned and/or extended configuration where as others don't. You need to check the mobo specs on the mfr's spec sheet provided online to determine if your specific i3 will do what you want to with respect to displays.

It is the same with RAM memory capacities. although they all were 64 bit hardware CPU's capable of max memory availability the hardware design of the mobo also restricts tha max useable memory that the board is capable of. Again check the spec sheets on the mfrs tech support web page for that mobo.

One might assume because you have 4 slots and 4 16GB RAM sticks installed in a 64 bit mobo that you could make use of 64 GB of RAM but a check of the mobo spec might show that it has a max of only 16GB or 32GB of RAM so buying any extra is in the least problem manner a waste of money and in the greatest problem may not work at all with the max 16 GB sticks installed.

I bought a new PC some years back, it had an i3 mobo but max memory was only 8GB for that mobo so when I upgraded to 6 GB I discovered that max RAM fact 1st and 2nd also discovered that system was faulty from the outset and couldn't run on any more than 4 GB of RAM. In short I had to swap out the hard drive configured with Mint 17 as the video editor and production w/s to another i3 with MAX RAM of 16GB and I replaced it's HD with the ubuntu linux w/s hard drive. Only time was the actual swapping of the hardware involved. Linux booted up recognized all the changes and fired up no problem in both PC's.

I have two i3's running with 3 displays configured for each 2 monitors and one large LED HD TV 1920 x 1080p all work well with the internal display adapter although in the Mint 17 case I have to keep running arandr to enable all three on reboots.

I also have an i7 with standard NIC card as well as on board wireless NIC but have to use a separate display adapter because the i7 doesn't have on board display. all machines are 64 bit and I have used ubuntu, ubuntu studio, Mint, debian and Centos/Fedora without any big hiccups with them. Being Intel they are all nice and quiet and cooler running.

I have one AMD and the fan running on it is so loud I can hear it all over the house. It also runs quite warm by comparison; Ok in winter but need AC running if I use it in summer.

I am not a gamer but the video/photo editing does demand a fair bit of resources so I usually use gamer specs and they have suited my purposes well.

Hope this helps.
cheers & good luck

On 15-06-01 10:50 AM, Mike Holstein wrote:

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 2:00 AM, Donald Campton <donald_llo...@bigpond.com <mailto:donald_llo...@bigpond.com>> wrote:

    G'day all .
    I am not a top hand with Linux but I have been using it for a few
    years now, I am wanting to upgrade my mother board to a new one.
    Ok easy  you say , but not so , I find a lot are not compatible
    with Ubuntu 14.04 or below.
    I am at a loss to buy one that I cannot use as a dedicated Ubuntu
    desk top machine.
    Could any one Please tell me how to find a board Gaming or work
    station abilities. I am at the point of saying to hell with it and
    buy a board and if it is not compatible commit suicide and go with
    windows and go bald pulling my hair, out with frustration.
    hope you can help me.
    my regards Donald .

ideally, it will be the manufacturer of the hardware that promises linux support.. nothing about linux/ubuntu prevents support for *any* hardware. we dont block support for anything, and its all completely open.

some facts that may help:

if you buy a motherboard, if the manufacturer promises windows support, then, if they change something, they provide windows drivers, and they have fulfilled the agreement they promise. what does this mean? it mean, *if* i have a motherboard, lets say, a certain asus motherboard, and i report to you "it works perfect in linux" and you buy that *exact* same model, what can, and often does happen is, the actual chipsets can change on that same model hardware. you'll see "rev2, rev 3.2" etc.. this can make it challenging to maintain a list of promised working linux hardware. and, nothing is "broken" to be fixed, since, the manufacturers are always welcome to provide either linux support to you, or, the information for linux developers to support it in the modular kernel.

in the future, your hard drive *will* fail, as will all.. so, i say, go ahead and plan for that, and backup your system, and/or important files.. plan for that drive failing, and you'll be able to more easily migrate to the new hardware if that hard drive doesnt "just work" when you plug it in on the new motherboard

i have changed motherboards quite a few times, and, as long as im aware of the GPU drivers, and do not leave a proprietary nvidia driver installed, and configured on a system that im expecting to move to an integrated intel GPU, i have literally had no issues. i have ran into unsupported NIC's, but, always found acceptable work arounds..

anyways, i say, go for the price and the features you want in a motherboard, and make sure you can return it, if the creators of it dont explicitly promise linux support.. it really shouldnt be a problem these days, where most hardware does have at least some level of support for modern linux kernels..

cheers and good luck

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