Hello, Michael

Could you please give the link to that line in Launchpad?
For some reason I didn't see Gaelic at all in


2013/10/18 Michael Bauer <f...@akerbeltz.org>

>  Hi Oleg,
> The source string has no line break as far as I can tell, I think it just
> break it automatically.
> How do I know, while translating, wether I should use \n or <br />? I
> don't know of a way of telling from the translation interface if it's one
> or the other.
> Michael
> 18/10/2013 14:23, sgrìobh Oleg Koptev:
>  I think in general it depends on particular programming language of the
> template you translate.
>  In most cases \n will break the line, but if you deal with (x)html - <br
> /> will work.
>  Try to look into source of System Settings and look for \n in this phrase.
>  Oleg
> --
> *Akerbeltz <http://www.faclair.com/>*
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