Thanks for the feedback.  I can help in some of these cases.

On Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 8:10 AM, Fòram na Gàidhlig <> wrote:
These are the translations that I expect to overflow in Scottish Gaelic (gd)

"Make Default" ="Tagh mar bhun-roghainn"
"Font Scaling" = "Meud a' chrutha-chlò"
"Line Height" = "Àirde na loidhne"
"Load Defaults" = "Luchdaich na bun-roghainnean"

I've made the UI degrade gracefully for long strings here. It doesn't look as nice, but they don't get ellipsized as they did before.

"Forward" = "Air adhart"
"Contents" = "Clàr-innse"
"Settings" = "Roghainnean"

These, along with "Back", show up in a toolbar, where I have no control over the spacing. However, they all appear under icons. Perhaps the localized strings can be shortened and let the icons provide some of the meaning? I'm also considering removing the text completely from these.

"Auto" = "Fèin-obrachail"

This string is placed in a popup bubble for a slider, which usually contains a number. It's another place where I have no control over the size. Is there any kind of abbreviation that could work? Or perhaps there's some unicode ideogram that can get the idea across. If nothing else, perhaps an em-dash would work.

Thanks again for the feedback,

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