Thanks Victor.

In which case (if I'm reading this right), my device should be on a 6 week update cycle. In which case there are many more translations missing in the updates than there should be. Out translations weren't at 100% but in the high 90s and I'm not getting a high 90s localized experience (not talking about things like non-system apps like Facebook).

What module would I file I bug under for missing localized strings?


Sgrìobh na leanas 06/02/2016 aig 12:00:
On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 6:03 PM, Michael Bauer<>  wrote:
>- how often are translations pushed to the physical devices? Each minor
>updates with new locales on each major, like Ubuntu Desktop? Just trying to
>plan ahead - we have a number of issues (truncs above all) to fix and would
>be good to know how often they land in updates
   In the rc-proposed channel there is an update every week. In stable,
each OTA come with fresh an updated translations.


*Akerbeltz <>*
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