On 2017-03-30 18:55, Aputsiak Niels Janussen wrote:
I'd like to know how these teams go about translating "ubuntu-docs".

Do you use Launchpad for the translation process, and if so, how do
you keep track of suggestions, terminology and so on.

The Swedish team has mostly used the Launchpad interface. As was recently discussed in another thread, it does have its shortcomings (doesn't handle fuzzy translations), but one advantage is that you can submit suggestions, and somebody else can review and approve.

Another method is to download the PO file, edit it using e.g. Lokalize (as Hannie mentioned) or Poedit, let someone else review the modified file, and upload it when approved.

Achieving a consistent terminology is one of the challenges with translating ubuntu-docs. Basically you need to have the development version of Ubuntu available and follow the instructions to see which terms are used in the various applications. I don't know of an easy way to handle that. Collaborating within the translators team is important.

I've considered moving the Danish translation process out of
Launchpad to another system, say Pootle, but worry that
synchronisation issues will make it a mess.

I agree with Doug, and would advise against using some other online translation service. In the end the PO file must be uploaded to LP anyway.

Gunnar Hjalmarsson

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