On Sat, 2006-03-11 at 11:54 +0000, Paul Sladen wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Mar 2006, Alistair Crust wrote:
> Hello Alistair,
> > Hi I'm from a school in Lincolnshire [..] we are experimenting with
> > edubuntu-dapper and trying to include Local Disk Access. This would be
> > the "icing on the cake".
> Oooh.  Wow.  Would you be willing to write a small article for:
>   http://fridge.ubuntu.com/
> about why you are trying out Edubuntu (eg. less work for yourself because
> it's already close to what you're after).  Photographes of rooms full of
> PC's running Linux are particularly good, even without any kids in them!
> Let me know if you'd like any assistance,
>       -Paul
> -- 
> Britain is just cold, in a pesky way.  Nottingham, GB

Glad too. My boss has already made an article he published to the
education sector, so I should be able to adapt it to suit our current

Nothing much has changed other than we are looking into LDA and Sound,
and wanting to use Edubuntu instead of Debian.... but that is a logical
step as the two carry allot of similarities. We are however missing
pictures so I'll see what i can knock up. Empty class room it may have
to be, I'll check on the legality of showing kids in photos (they may
need parental consent... I think?).

I'll post back here and let you all know how I go.
Kind regards
Alistair Crust
Systems Administrator 
Skegness Grammar School 
Vernon Road 
PE25 2QS 
TEL: 01754 610000 (ext'852)
FAX: 01754 896875 

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