On Fri, 2006-09-15 at 23:06 +0100, ana wrote:
> Hi
> Adam Bagnall wrote:
> >     I was thinking earlier that as far as I'm aware the LoCoTeam has no 
> > female members. There must be some women in the UK who use Ubuntu? 
> Yes there are ... we are probably not often following this list?

Of course there are. I'm in the LoCoTeam - I'm just not on the irc
channel or this high traffic list (until now). I've got pretty poor
internet access (IT student who's had her broadband cut off..) so my
online participation is limited. 

(College has horribly locked down XP boxes and a fairly fascist web

> > I've 
> > posted in the Ubuntu women section on the Ubuntu forums to see if I can 
> > generate any interest. 
> Any luck?
> > I'm sure some of you have converted 
> > wives/friends/sisters/girlfriends/daughters etc. who could get involved. 
> >   
> No, i'm none of those.
Me neither!
> > I'm sure that if there are women who need support for Ubuntu they would 
> > feel more comfortable meeting up with another woman.
> >   
> Women who can offer support for Ubuntu also feel more comfortable
> meeting u pwith other women if that is what it takes to meet with people
> who do not automatically assume we need support :-p

If I need support I get it from the best place - online. The net is
wonderfully gender-neutral! Unless I tell you I'm female you'd never
know - my main net identity is deliberately gender neutral for this
reason.. Face-to-face support *maybe* - but I've not come across it

> >     I was also thinking that maybe it would be good to have a woman or 2 
> > at the LinuxWorld booth to show that it's not just geeky men who use 
> > linux? 
> I could be there if you say where it is and if I feel invited enough ...
> > /me awaits inevitable comments about booth babes .
> >
> >   
> what?


I found out about the stall via Jono Bacon's blog - I left a message
there saying I'll muck in if needed.


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