On Sat, 2006-09-16 at 17:06 +0100, Adam Challis wrote:
> Location
> Manchester seems popular so far. Personally I'm easy about location as long
> as I can get there by train or bus.
> For those who cant get to Manchester, any suggestions about where might be
> good for you, thats still pretty accessible?
> Joining with Manchester LUG
> I'm a split on this issue. I've listed some pros and cons that I can think
> of below.
> Pros - People who are already involved. They are running an installfest on
> the October 21st of various distros, including Ubuntu (dapper and a couple
> of edgy cd's).
>       - Established meeting place!
> Con - Would we appear as trying to take over?
>       Are we trying to form our own identity as an Ubuntu group, or would
> we be better off as part of the Manchester LUG?
> Jono did write (11/09)
> > * Try to work with local LUGs to encourage combined meetings.
> Might be an idea to split the meetings? Alter between an Ubuntu group
> meeting and a Man LUG? That way we get a chance to develop our own identity
> without taking over a pre-existing group (hopefully we will grow from more
> than a handful).
> Adam C
> Daniel: GnuPG comes up on my machine as saying "Signature issued by a
> non-valid key". I'm not to sure what that means but thought you'd want to
> know.
> =======================================
> Adam Challis
> skype : adam_challis
> GnuPG Fingerprint: 4564 8FD0 98C0 18C4 1EB3 F846 9753 C6FD F888 0C51

There really needs to be no appearance of anyone taking over a LUG or
any of it's events. The Ubuntu UK teams involvement with LUGs and their
events should be rightly seen as a plus point having users and
developers like ourselves who are so deeply involved in Ubuntu chipping
in to help and hopefully enhancing their event(s).

When events can be organised and I am able to attend. If it requires a
little travel, I will be able to have my better half take me and we will
be able to offer lifts to those in our area. Our second car is a Volvo
estate, so transporting a few PC's is not a problem. ;-)



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