So the BBC have yet again trotted out the same tired old news article 
about safe surfing. As usual they dont suggest trying a different 
opertating system ( well they disparage it as well ! ) but they never 
really seem to investigate this new story in any depth. Now I know that 
we talk about it and we discuss it try not to be to prideful in case it 
really is possible but why are we not talking about the elephant in the 
room  ? why is there no really good details that demonstrate it as 
possible. Are we really concerned that it might be possible, and if it 
is , are we also lacking in confidence that we cannot fix and resolve 
the issues. These concepts seem to be after all the very soul of why we 
feel open and community software make for better security.  So Im 
genuinely interested, and at the risk of being ousted from the group for 
impolite conversation,  I really want to know if any one has actually 
suffered from and can in some way demonstrate to me the following.

demonstrate a working Linux Virus that can
    infect their Ubuntu desktop account  ( and other users of that same 
machine  ) by being launched from a email attachment.
    it must infect the core system files.
    it must set up its own mail user agent which it uses to propogate 
copies of itself to members of your address book.
    it must attempt to replicate it self succesfully into another machines.

I KNOW how touchy this topic is , so please avoid the rants into the 
forum or the list but we never really seem to want to look earnestly and 
directly at this and discuss it.

Having seen the BBC news article I am again left amazed that they cannot 
simply point out that the core issue is the single popularity of one 
operating system. In a diversified environment with many different 
operating systems the threat is far less and the risk is reduced. So 
over to you, if you can please take time to watch the articles and write 
to the BBC and ask them to consider a wider scope to their advice. One 
final piece, I understand that the BBC is giving advice to users based 
on established "popular" operating systems I am just always amazed they 
dont suggest that people switch to something else.

right .. now Can Open ... Worms Everywhere... Im off to work !



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