On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 12:37:25PM +0000, Jonathan Roberts wrote:
> Hey,
> I've just watched the screen cast and thought it was really good! Don't 
> really think you need to make any changes to the splash screen, although 
> with the idea of pretty as a feature being thrown around by Mark 
> Shuttleworth and the like maybe it would be a nice extra (although I 
> have zero artistic talent myself!).

Ok, that's good to hear.

> I know I've said this about the screencasts on this list before, but I 
> really think any one making them should post them to 
> http://ubuntuclips.org/ as well: otherwise I worry we'll be duplicating 
> efforts. Just a thought.

I have mixed feelings about this.

Firstly ubuntuclips state that the videos submitted to them should *not* be 
full resolution 
videos, but should be clips of part of the screen. Part of this is for 
readability and 
partly for size of download. I am of the opinon that screencasts should (where 
show full screen video that allows the viewer to see the entire desktop. 
Clipping and 
cropping chunks off means they don't see the full deal of what's going on, and 
the video 
maker has to keep moving popup windows and dialogs around to get them in the 
viewing port.

I also feel that there should be some consistency between the videos, that they 
should have 
boilerplates at the start and end so that you know what video is what from the 
dialog, and the video gets a branding.

I chose 1024x768 as the standard resolution for my videos becuase it seems to 
be the 
minimum that will allow people to see a reasonable sized desktop. With many 
people having 
1024x768 or higher resolutions they will be able to see it full screen in a 
movie player or 
in a window whilst they do other stuff. I thought that any smaller and things 
would feel 
cramped in the window.

These are of course decisions I arbitrarily made having seen lots of 
screencasts online and 
figured (possibly incorrectly) that I could do better. :)

> Well done!

Thank you Jon for the kind words and feedback.



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