On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 04:18:38PM +0000, Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Are you hosting them on your own server (&bandwidth)? If so, you may
> want to look at using coralcache (& Apache rewrite rules) to reduce
> your bandwidth a little.

Yes, currently they're on my own paid for hosting. This is fine for now, I can 
cope with 
the few downloads / views they're getting at the moment (even when someone 
*does* submit it 
to some social networking link site O_O ). However, long term there are other 
Archive.org (ourmedia) host for free community based videos. Hampshire Linux 
User Group 
host their talks on archive.org. In addition there's the hosting on Google 
which will 
likely reduce the number of downloads as many people prefer to watch flash 
videos than 
download hulking great blobs. Each to their own of course, and they'll clearly 
benefit from 
the quality of the OGG version.



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