norman wrote:
> On Mon, 2006-12-18 at 20:27 +0000, Adam Bagnall wrote:
>> norman wrote:
>>> Thanks for responding.
>>> < snip >
>>>> Are there any error messages appearing in Kino? You need the raw1394 
>>>> kernel module loaded with the correct permissions to grab from dv IIRC. 
>>>> Add raw1394 to
>>>> /etc/modules
>>> Unless I am being stupid I cannot find /etc/modules but there
>>> is /etc/modutils. Please be kind enough to explain.
>>>> then, in
>>>> /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules
>>>> change the GROUP part of the line starting with KERNEL=="raw1394", to 
>>>> "video"
>>> This I have done.
>>>> Editing both those files has to be done as root (using sudo). This 
>>>> solved all my problems.
>> sudo gedit /etc/modules
>> That should allow you to edit the file. If that file is empty then just 
>> type raw1394 on a line by itself and save the file.
> Followed your instructions and, sure enough, there was the file with
> some entries, so I added raw1394. Then I rebooted but, I am sorry to
> say, I still get the following error on selecting capture:-
> WARNING: raw1394 kernel module not loaded or failure to
> read/write /dev/raw...
> Thanks for your help. so far, but I am puzzled.
> Norman
if   lsmod | grep raw1394   lists anything then the module is loaded and 
the permissions on /dev/raw are incorrect.     sudo chmod 777 
/dev/raw    will give you the necessary permissions, although you'll 
have to set this manually each time you restart your computer and wish 
to use your camcorder. If it still doesnt work then sorry but I'm out of 
further ideas.



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