On 2/25/07, Tony Arnold <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Robin Menneer wrote:

> I've spent all day looking at loading gnuplot and fityk as well as a
> dozen of other curvefitting packages on the web including xplot and
> have found none that are simple enouigh for me to install without my
> risking messing my memory/files up.

What do you mean by these packages messing up your memory/files? I've
installed gnuplot using apt-get install gnuplot without anything being
messed up so far as I can see.

In the instructions to  install gnuplot there is  a gap at the beginning.  I
could not find  how to start installing despite reading  the doc file README
as  suggested.  I've never used apt and similar commands, having been using
only fortran and basic and kept away from machine code.  Is grace any easier
- it seems to be but I could not fathom out how to load it.

Has nobody cleaned up a
> curvefiitting program in Ubuntu sufficiently for a thickie to run ?

My plea is that if you can write the instructions  logically on a bit of
paper, then they are programmable.  Arn't there things called macros that
are supposed to help in these instances ?  I can't be the only thickie in
the world, just one that complains instead of staying within the windows
camp, or just ops out.

Have you considered the graphing available to you in OpenOffice
SpreadSheet? It may do something simple to get you going.

I find  OpenOffice very satisfying, using it more than anything else, and at
first reading, the graphing (charting) facility in OO draws graphs but when
I looked into it in detail (and on several occasions because of my finding),
I came to the conclusion that one axis has to be discontinuous (like a bar
chart) so I can't plot a proper curve on it.  Your reply brings me hope that
I am wrong. Thank you for your attention, Robin

Tony Arnold, IT Security Coordinator, University of Manchester,
IT Services Division, Kilburn Building, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL.
T: +44 (0)161 275 6093, F: +44 (0)870 136 1004, M: +44 (0)773 330 0039
E: [EMAIL PROTECTED], H: http://www.man.ac.uk/Tony.Arnold



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