> This is something that has cropped up several times in the year or so I have
> been a member of the team.
> I suggested it myself sometime back and volunteered to build a site for the
> purpose, but the overwhelming voice of opinion at the time was that the 
> majority
> of the team prefer e-mail circulars. Personally, I don't, and I find reading a
> thread on a website in date order much easier than half a dozen e-mails

I don't - to be honest - see why we have to choose one or the other.
Surely both forums and mailing lists can be used, with people choosing
their favorite.

Anything important and urgent enough to demand the immediate attention
of all group members could be posted on both the forum and mailing
list. It's only a case of cut and paste.

> I am all for a discussion forum though and will happily build one if people 
> will
> use it and\or if there are no other volunteers. But I don't think the majorty 
> of
> the membership will want it.
> Ted

Implementation doesn't have to be too hard either. UbuntuForums will
provide a forum to any LoCo team making a request for one. I for one
would prefer to use a forum, but will use a mailing list in
conjunction with it. I think this matter is important enough to have
proper vote on.



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