On 4/22/07, Dean Sas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Robin Menneer wrote:
> Sorry you're beyond me.  Two questions to start.  We like iphoto and are
> nowwhere near photoshop in experitse.  Is there something in Ubuntu as
> good as iPhoto without being as complicated as The Gimp ?

I don't know about "as good as" (having never used iPhoto), but f-spot
is similar I think, and there's also digikam. F-spot should already be
in your applications menu and digikam is presumably in add/remove

Can't find f-spot except on the web whence I have failed to download because
I don't know what to do with the tar file etc.  From the description, it
looks as  if it might be what we are looking for.  The digiKam seems to be
for Kububtu.   Neither are in my add/remove.  Help please.

If I Get a
> mac mini will it hold Ubuntu as well as Tiger at the same time.  Or can
> I just have Ubuntu on it ?  Or what alternatives are there ?  Please
> keep answers simple.

You can have both on, or just Ubuntu. I've not tried either. There is a
step by step guide to have both Ubuntu and Tiger at
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mac_mini I'm not sure how easy it is
to follow but feel free to mail the list with any specific questions.





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