Yahoo's reported merger/takeover talks with MS means it's open (!) to
selling its independence to the highest bidder.  That it's MS they're
talking with just emphasises my original stupidity and
short-sightedness.  I should have been more savvy to the long-term
threat of something like this, especially before parting with cash.

But now I've got to start looking at the alternatives on offer to the
various services of theirs that I've used.  I'm mainly looking for an
alternative to Flickr!, though a list of alternatives to all their
offerings would be helpful for trying something new and for when I come
across people who are also facing the threat of having the rug pulled
from beneath them.  This would also be handy to distribute if or when
the deal goes through.

Anyone use/recommend free alternatives?  I'm about to start the process
of researching this, but anyone's knowledge and experiences would be a
big help.


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