On Wed, May 09, 2007 at 12:07:26AM +0100, Michael Wood wrote:
> Hi
> As per the last ubuntu-uk meeting i've been working on the ubuntu-uk.org 
> website. Porting it over to the current ubuntu main page design and 
> adding some features.
> - Drop down menu with all the wiki pages on
> - Banner image rotates round various pictures of the UK
> The development version of the site is at http://www.ubuntu-uk.org/dev/ 
> Please post any feedback.

This is *totally* awesome!

> Once this site is acceptable we can then switch it over to the live site.

Yuppers. Can we also get this checked into bzr so that other loco teams can 
grab the code and make their loco sites look as great as ours ;)

> Things to consider doing (longer term): Calendar, photo gallery and 
> integrating mailing list/planet/pastebin/forum/launchpad team? into main 
> page, getting it xhtml strict validating wai etc

Do it man, DO IT! :)



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