On Thu, 07 Jun 2007 14:23:07 +0100
luxxius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> And I'm glad to know I can simply ignore the rsync chgrp errors as
> being a product of the MS file system's ignorance!

Rather than just ignoring the errors you can tell rsync not to try and
set permissions or group with the --no-p and --no-g options and then if
there are any errors that actually need worrying about you wont miss
them assuming the output is the normal errors that don't matter. 

My own backup command is:
        rsync --no-p --no-g -r ~/Music/ /media/Elements/Music/

One thing I'd suggest for the future is not to use numerical
permissions when manipulating them. chmod lets you specify the
permissions using r,w and x and a,u,g, and o for who the permissions
apply to (the syntax is in the chmod man page) and this is a lot less
error prone. Your computer can turn the symbols into the required number
faster and more accurately than you (or at least I) can.

Robert McWilliam     [EMAIL PROTECTED]    www.ormiret.com

Give a man a match and he'll be warm for an hour... Set him on fire
and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.


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