Alex Latchford wrote:
> alan c wrote:
>> I  can manage to get it to play using Real player, but I cannot think 
>> of how to capture the stream to view it later.
> Open it using the Windows Media Player.. You will get a .asx file, go to 
> the source, copy the URL, download that file.. (Using 'File -> Save Page 
> As..').. Then open it up in your favourite text editor, (it is just an 
> XML file), then copy the URL of the .wmv file.. Open it up again in 
> firefox and use 'File -> Save Page As.. again and you have the stream :)

thanks. this I think led me to
<starttime value="03:31.0"/>

which appears to be the url of the wmv file(s) but
by itself does not launch in firefox, what should I now be doing?
alan cocks
Kubuntu user#10391


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