Hi Norman,

On Tue, Jun 19, 2007 at 09:57:02AM +0100, norman wrote:
> < big snip >
> As no one seems inclined to react to my comments I will respond to
> myself.

Probably because it contained no questions and it was only sent at 5pm last 

> As one of the longest users of Ubuntu in this group I am curious
> to know why there is all this activity in wanting to produce a leaflet.

Why not?

> Is there a real desire to promote the use of Ubuntu and, if so, why?

Yes. From my point of view I would like to see more people use Ubuntu. The 
more users there are of Ubuntu the more that hardware and software vendors 
will take notice. The result of that is that devices will be more likely to 
be delivered with Linux support out of the box. In addition software vendors 
will look at the market share Ubuntu (Linux) has and decide that it's worth 
porting applications to Linux, or open sourcing them, or writing them from 
scratch or using tools like WINE to bring their apps to the users.

> Who do you expect to be interested enough to even give Ubuntu a try?

Anyone who either has yet to use a computer, or someone who already has some 
computer experience. i.e. pretty much anyone.

> What is your personal motive in all this activity to produce a leaflet?

See answer to first question.

> How, why and when did you start using Ubuntu and which operating system
> were you using before conversion?

I moved to Ubuntu when the first release came out. Previously I had used 
Windows, DOS, OS/2 and various other non-PC systems.

> What makes you believe that your knowledge and experience qualifies you
> to produce a leaflet?

I have created and helped to create leaflets before. I have lectured in IT, 
have given talks at my local LUG, answered support questions on the answer 
tracker, helped via IRC, assisted in real life. I guess that all helps.


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