> Is there a real desire to promote the use of Ubuntu and, if so, why?

If there was no desire to use Ubuntu it would be pretty pointless
being subscribed to an Ubuntu mailing list wouldn't it?

> Who do you expect to be interested enough to even give Ubuntu a try?

What made you interested enough to give Ubuntu a try?

> What is your personal motive in all this activity to produce a leaflet?

I'm not self-obsessed enough to consider that everything is about me.
Sometimes people just do things to be helpful you know!

> How, why and when did you start using Ubuntu and which operating system
> were you using before conversion?

I work in IT using Windows, Linux and Solaris. I'm still using all three.

> What makes you believe that your knowledge and experience qualifies you
> to produce a leaflet?

I'm a little confused at this one. What disqualifies someone from
being able to do so?



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