
On 6/22/07, Mark Jose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> What graphics card are you using ?  To play games, you need the correct 3d
> accelerated driver. Ubuntu will install by default a capable driver for the
> card, but not one which gives 3d acceleration. I use an Nvidia card, and the
> commercial 3d driver for that is in the repositories. Not used ATI for many
> years, so I cannot comment on that.
> It *should* run as fast as it does (or very close to it) in Windows. If it
> seems really slow and clunky, then I think you are correct regarding the
> drivers.

It's an ATI Mobility Radeon M300 I think, or something like that. It
works fine for Beryl (followed the installation guide at
http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Feisty) so I'm not sure why it
doesn't function properly. The OpenGL option for UT doesn't work at
all, it now won't start apart from in 'safe mode'.

> The Loki installer is for installing from the disk - as you have discovered,
> wine is the best option if you have the game already installed on your other
> drive.
> Mark

Just as soon as I can sort the graphics!

Josh Blacker


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